HBO and Martin

Because people or humanity in general are selfish, hypocritical, asshats. They forget that this guy made a masterpiece and a world where they actually enjoy visiting and start to think that GRRM owes them something. That they are right in their demands etc etc ...

I would go on with my rant, but I've been sick and tired all day so perhaps one of my betters here in the forum could take over....

The asshats that write that blog don't represent humanity as a whole or fans of ASoIaF in particular. They are hatefilled bastards who need to stfu and read another series if they think what GRRM is writing is so bad. It's clear to me that their main motive for the blog is to get hits by being controversial and appealing to the baser instincts of a minority of GRRM's fans. I feel the need to shower and maybe run an unscheduled virus scan ofter reading that poison filled drivel. I may be upset with GRRM for not finishing the book by now, and I DO think he owes his readers 100% effort (i obviously don't know if he has been giving us that), but it would also be fair for someone to tell ME to stfu if I started ranting about this in every post,
Are cable channels like HBO more difficult to get in other countries?

They are impossible to get in other countries (apart from Canada, which has apparently just started showing HBO as an option on some packages). Other countries' networks or cable stations have to buy them and show them themselves. With AGoT it's less of a problem because the BBC are co-funding it, so BBC-1 will show it in the UK within a few weeks of the USA airing.
They are impossible to get in other countries (apart from Canada, which has apparently just started showing HBO as an option on some packages). Other countries' networks or cable stations have to buy them and show them themselves. With AGoT it's less of a problem because the BBC are co-funding it, so BBC-1 will show it in the UK within a few weeks of the USA airing.

And hopefully, it will come out soon on DVD so we can at least rent it. HBO DVDs seem to be higher in price that other TV shows.
tsw, it's a funny book. When I read how the protagonist crashes his plane in the opening chapter, I was in tears... Of course, I pulled that book off my sister's bookshelf when I was house sitting... I'd never buy it for myself.

Wert, it's nice to see you here on the weekends now. I'm glad they don't work you seven days a week. And how is it that you know sooooo much about the TV industry?
I have not bothered with the Finished the Book, George hate-on but my fairly undiplomatic response to these people after drinking a bottle of wine tonight is: F%$k Off!
I love it when TK gets drunk. All we need now is Aegon in here and something controversial to talk about.
How involved do you think that Martin will become? Right now he's projecting the impression that he's more or less hands-off, but how could an author be entirely uninvolved when his baby is being turned into a mini-series in the hands of someone else? Will this take off too much time for him to actually finish the series? Or do you think he'll be spurred on to write faster? I'm hoping the latter.
It sounds like he's fairly happy with the guys who are in charge, so I suspect he'll be fairly hands-off. He said he's read the script - perhaps his involvement will be primarily supervisory - a little script-editing or -suggesting, and not a lot else. Hopefully, as you say, it'll give him a boost of enthusiasm to pick up the pace, but if it doesn't I'm not going to pick on him.

I just had a look at the 'Finish the Book, George' blog for the first time. I have no doubt they'd claim all they say was in loving jest, but greater assholes I have never seen. I almost wish that GRRM could direct bookseelers and libraries to ban them from ever even laying eyes on the finished product...
There's actually one extremely hilarious post making fun of Catelyn and Bran on that Finish the Book, George blog on October 3rd. It was clever satire I thought. After that the blog kinda goes downhill with baseless attacks on GRRM's weight rather than anything really thoughtful.

Oh well, I'll just agree with soulsinging and point out that there's nothing wrong with liking a series *and* criticizing it. That blog takes it to extremes but the underlying sentiment is not invalid.
We didn't say it was, we enjoy valid, intelligent, and constructive criticisms and critiques. What we don't like is mindless hate-mongering masquerading as legitimate opinions.

I'm either royal or speaking for the entire forum and either way I win.
Ohhhh...should not of drunk all that wine...

Your Majesty Weirwood, I have a couple bottles of my latest vintage as a gift to your benevolent reign of course.
Sooo, back on topic: How long does it usually take to produce a pilot? Is there any guarantee that the pilot will actually air once it's completed?
Sooo, back on topic: How long does it usually take to produce a pilot? Is there any guarantee that the pilot will actually air once it's completed?

I don't know how long it would take to produce a pilot, especially for a story like this that would demand some serious costumes and casting and set pieces, etc. My understanding is that once a pilot is done it is screened for executives and maybe some test audiences to gauge the reaction and see if it is worth the investment to go forward. I'm guessing an actual series airing on hbo is a long way from getting off the ground... two years at least I suspect. Based on some of the discussion in here, that's quite in line with the spirit of the work :p
Latest news from Weis and Benioff: slightly unexpectedly, the UK has emerged as the most likely shooting location. HBO are still looking at the alternatives, but apparently the UK's pool of acting talent, our numerous castles and the decline of the pound against the dollar have made it the front-runner.

In addition, they have confirmed that they will be increasing the ages of most, if not all, of the younger characters for both obvious reasons (the sexual content) but also simply practical ones: the amount of time that minors can spend on set is extremely limited.
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