HBO and Martin

Thanks, Wert. I don't know that I'd want it filmed anywhere else.

Edit: We get HBO first and the Brits get books first... hardly seems fair to me.
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I hope that means it'll air on a British channel too, even if its just a couple of months behind the States...
Some news about the pilot episode!

No locations or casting director has been finalized, but they have mentioned the first and last lines of the pilot episode....

"We should start back."


"The things I do for love."

New info from the producers

Also, Johnny from Tower of the Hand posted his idea of what the first epidsode might include(his idea only, not from HBO), for those that are interested...

First, Last Lines of Pilot
That's seems like a neat start finish point. Particularly the end - a nice cliffhanger to make executives want to know more, hopefully...
That is just effing schweet.

Thanks for the info.

Like the holiday av Culhwch, and LoW. (did you guys decide to dress the same this morning?)
Some news about the pilot episode!

No locations or casting director has been finalized, but they have mentioned the first and last lines of the pilot episode....

"We should start back."


"The things I do for love."

New info from the producers

Also, Johnny from Tower of the Hand posted his idea of what the first epidsode might include(his idea only, not from HBO), for those that are interested...

First, Last Lines of Pilot

That sounds sweet.
Yeah, and it in no way inspired me to put a santa hat on the Fool's Sceptre (which apparantly doenst show up after all) it works on my profile???? hmmm
Quite exciting thanks for the info! I was reading what possible elements on that would be included in the pilot, where they start it, end it etc. I'm glad to see they're going to include the intro fight with the wights north of the Wall. I wasn't sure if they'd exclude any kind of Other material in the interest of keeping things simple.
Like the holiday av Culhwch, and LoW. (did you guys decide to dress the same this morning?)

Ah, no need to be jealous Wiggs, you can play too. ;):p


Yeah, and it in no way inspired me to put a santa hat on the Fool's Sceptre (which apparantly doenst show up after all) it works on my profile???? hmmm

And I can see the Santa Hat Ratsy.

I think its a great end point for the pilot episode. Should be quite a shocker for those who haven't read the story!
Wiggum in a Santa Hat?!?! No way, he's too much of a Scrooge.

By the way Lady, good scoop on the pilot update. I found it this morning and posted on the Winter is Coming thread... late again.
I'm looking forward to this a lot and if they do it well I hope it leads on to a long running series, although they will have to chop some bits as HBO is usually 13 episodes a season from the shows I've watched. Seven run anyone?
I love it LoW!

Can you pm/email me the jpeg?

That's awesome!

Whatever Boaz, I know your heart is two sizes too small.
An anonymous poster on the Winter is Coming blog claims to have seen a copy of the script. According to him the pilot starts and ends as promised and includes not just the prologue and all the moments up to Bran's tumble (including Jon and Tyrion's moment outside the feast hall, Robert and Ned in the crypts etc) but also Dany's first two chapters, more or less in their entirety (including us meeting Jorah Mormont and Viserys), ending on her wedding night to Khal Drogo.

This has led to some speculation that Dany's storyline is going to be handled by condensing her chapters into several chunks and giving her substantial parts of some episodes, whilst skipping other episodes entirely. This makes sense, as otherwise you'd have a five-minute Dany scene that doesn't really go anywhere in every episode. Having say 15-20 minutes of Dany every three or four episodes may be a better approach. It reminds me of how they handle some of the secondary characters in Rome, Lost and Heroes.
Latest news from Weis and Benioff: slightly unexpectedly, the UK has emerged as the most likely shooting location. HBO are still looking at the alternatives, but apparently the UK's pool of acting talent, our numerous castles and the decline of the pound against the dollar have made it the front-runner.

In addition, they have confirmed that they will be increasing the ages of most, if not all, of the younger characters for both obvious reasons (the sexual content) but also simply practical ones: the amount of time that minors can spend on set is extremely limited.

Makes sense. A lot of Westeros is semi-british anyway. Increasing ages, ergh, thats a bit meh...but makes sense.
Metal miniatures, not resin stauettes. Sheesh, you'd make a lousy forty year old virgin!
The Winter is Coming blog has an interesting review of the Game of Thrones pilot script here.

Some thoughts:

  • Having the map of Westeros in the title sequence is a canny and necessary move, as the viewers will be reminded of the geography every week.
  • The prospect of 'new' (albeit GRRM-approved and possibly tweaked) scenes may be distressing, but as with most of the new 'good' stuff in the Lord of the Rings movies (i.e. not Aragorn getting thrown over a cliff for no reason) these scenes flesh out the story and better establish character rather than be gratuitous additions to the plot. Getting our first glimpse of Tyrion in a brothel establishes facets of the character better than just seeing him arrive in Winterfell's courtyard.
  • At this stage, no flashbacks. Whilst I'd hope we eventually see the Tower of Joy 'in the flesh' as it were (in Ned's dream sequence), the decision to have only dialogue references to the War of the Usurper and Lyanna's death seems reasonable. However, I do really want to see the Rhaegar/Robert fight as it is an iconic image from the novels, often used in artwork. Again, maybe we get to see it later on.
  • The Others' full capabilities are not revealed in as much detail as in the novel, presumably to make later sequences more of a surprise.
  • Condensing Dany's story into larger, but less frequent chunks may be a good idea, similar to how smaller secondary characters are handled in other HBO shows such as The Wire and Rome. Following the book slavishly would only give us 5-minute bursts of Dany every week or so, whilst this scheme means she won't be in every episode, but will have big chunks of time when she does so.
  • Most encouraging is the news that both the Wall and Dany's storylines will be followed faithfully from episode one. There had been much speculation that both may have been marginalised or not even featured in the first season, but clearly the writers are playing for keeps here.

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