Star Wars: Good Series or Overrated by Society?

Hah! Yeah. The guy in the suit is a big Scottish or Irish guy (David Prowse, as mentioned by HappyHippo) Hearing him do the dialogue is really quite funny.
Yeah, it shows a few scenes with him in the Star Wars Trilogy bonus material DVD. There may be clips on youtube, or some other sight. I'll be looking around for it there myself.

In the meantime. YouTube - vader sessions
Yes. 10 minutes is quite a while for a youtube clip, but it is very funny, or at least I thought it was.
Yeah. Well someone has too much time on their hands. Quite funny though.
The original Star Wars movie was a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. I can remember being awestruck going out of the theater. I was 27 at the time and remember thinking that this was the best movie I'd seen in years. It stood out like a beacon against the psychadelic trash that had been forced on the public for nearly 10 years by that time.

Now as Science Fiction goes it is still one of the better movies of all time. I am hard pressed to think of any I liked better than the original. As far as books go there are many. But as we can all see writing good SF is a good way to become an unrewarded author. George Lucas has allowed the genre not only to survive, but be recognized as possibly rewarding.
The original Star Wars movie was a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. I can remember being awestruck going out of the theater. I was 27 at the time and remember thinking that this was the best movie I'd seen in years. It stood out like a beacon against the psychadelic trash that had been forced on the public for nearly 10 years by that time.

Yes, I would have to agree, I was awe struck as well. My father, who liked sci-fi very much, took me along to see anything in the genre that came out. With a very select few (Silent Running comes to mind), most sci-fi at that time was very campy at best. 2001 had a lot of psychadelic mumbo jumbo at the end, and I don't believe we came from apes, but it was a visual treat.

George Lucas has allowed the genre not only to survive, but be recognized as possibly rewarding.

He really did put sci-fi back into mainstream media as something that could be not only good but rewarding, yes. I think it paved the way for others to put their ideas out there and there has been some good sci-fi made since the original Star Wars. 'This world is not my home' --- just visiting then?
Overrated, without a doubt.

Sorry, I have to be blunt. I'm kind of picky when it comes to acting and plot devices.
The acting in the Original Trilogy was great. I think as far as the actors go, that cast far surpassed any that had come before them with regards to responding to environments that didn't exist, and couldn't be seen.

The cast in the New Trilogy probably could have done a little better. Part of it had to do with weak dialogue. I think some of them were given their roles not because of ability, whereas the actors in the Original Trilogy were obviously the best choices for their roles. (after seeing some auditions by other actors, this became painfully obvious.)
I've heard a lot of talk about weak dialogue in the prequels, and as I would agree there is a few things said here and there that could have been stronger, I'm not so critical on this issue. For me there is so much to enjoy in 1-3, that it really does not chap me at all. I'm not going to start a new thread/slam session on this, but I would like to read some opinions of weak dialogue examples and maybe a better example of what could have been said in it's place.
"I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked" I mean come on Obi Wan could have died.
From my personal viewpoint, I enjoyed the very first Star Wars movie (1V) At the time it was something completely new, I even enjoyed the following two movies, and if I pushed myself hard enough I would say the final three were necessary in completing the story, but I could have lived without them. They were slow, tedious and at times boring, I didn't relate to any of the characters, some I would have liked to see even less of (Jar Jar Binks springs to mind)
Overated: Yes.
Mmmm less of Jar Jar Binks would have been good. He got irritating.
"I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked" I mean come on Obi Wan could have died.

You know that was complete sarcasm, don't you? We saw Anakin run up on the roof and just hop in the first open cockpit speeder he saw. Obi-Wan's comment 'What took you so long' was also a bit sarcastic, but that was the banter between the two. It also showed a potential harshness on Obi-Wan's part where Anakin might have felt nothing he did was good enough. And Obi-Wan might have realized this in part when he said 'I have failed you Anakin, I have failed you'.
I would like to read some opinions of weak dialogue examples and maybe a better example of what could have been said in it's place.

i thought the Obi Wan/Anakin scens were ok. It was the Anakin/Padme scenes that needed work, especially in the dialogue. Pretty much the whole scene with the fireplace, when Padme is trying to talk Anakin (and herself) out of having their relationship, should have been better.

That dialogue was possibly a little too emotional, choppy, and unfocused, which made it noticeably, "out of place," (Obi Wan might say). I thought it was funny that she was wearing her most revealing attire in the whole series for that scene.

To Hayden Christensen's credit, he played a very believable character when he was angry.
He really did put sci-fi back into mainstream media as something that could be not only good but rewarding, yes. I think it paved the way for others to put their ideas out there and there has been some good sci-fi made since the original Star Wars. 'This world is not my home' --- just visiting then?

Exactly!! :D It will be wonderful when I get home!!
Agree completely with what has been said so far, especially CofK's comment about the Anakin/Padme scenes. These seemed the most forced.

BUt, the original trilogy, I mean can you really beat:

Didn't we just leave this party


Will someone get this walking carpet out my way


Hey, who's scruffy looking?
The fireplace dialogue in AotC I really did not think was too bad. It was a very uncomfortable scene because I believe it was supposed to be uncomfortable with his dialogue/pouring his heart out to Padme. Maybe it was that outfit of hers (yow-za!) 'A poet everybody, the laddie reckons himself a poet' (do you know where that quote is from?) People slammed Anakin for his 'you are in my very soul' speech, but think back to when you were young, trying to get your feelings across to a potential love, you rehersed things to say to impress and persuede her/him and in retropect it probably sounded a bit corny. But to Anakin's credit, it did work.

My idea of weak dialogue was in Padme's apartment, when to change the subject with Anakin, she says something to the effect of 'just hold me like you did on the lake on Naboo, when there was nothing but our love, no war etc. etc...' But maybe emotionally she was starting to lose it by that point and did not want to face the impending facts of things happening in her life and that possibly her decision made with him was not the most wise.

Dare I ask parson, where is home for you and what are you going to do when you get there?
