Star Wars: Good Series or Overrated by Society?

You know that was complete sarcasm, don't you? We saw Anakin run up on the roof and just hop in the first open cockpit speeder he saw. Obi-Wan's comment 'What took you so long' was also a bit sarcastic, but that was the banter between the two. It also showed a potential harshness on Obi-Wan's part where Anakin might have felt nothing he did was good enough. And Obi-Wan might have realized this in part when he said 'I have failed you Anakin, I have failed you'.
Yes I do know that it is complete sarcasm but I could swear that Anakin jumps into the last one on the roof but then again I haven't seen that movie for a while, it being my least favorite.
I always felt Obi-Wan was being a bit soft on Anakin. Most of his comments seemed to be mild reprimands which could easily have been taken as humour.
Yeah that is true.

Why do all threads...well this one not too much...always lead away from the topic then get back to it?
Agree completely with what has been said so far, especially CofK's comment about the Anakin/Padme scenes. These seemed the most forced.

BUt, the original trilogy, I mean can you really beat:

Didn't we just leave this party


Will someone get this walking carpet out my way


Hey, who's scruffy looking?

This is exactly why i enjoyed the original trilogy and hated the new one.

To go from lines like that to crybaby Anakin and his forced dialouges with Padme sheesh......
Anakin and Padme: Worst onscreen chemistry ever. Voted by some random people. I heard it on the radio the other day.
Really? I didn't think their chemistry was all that great, but the worst ever...? That's pretty bad.
Its understandable they killed off any interest i had in the prequals.

I cant remember any worse onscreen chemsitry specially in a big hollywood movie like that.
Star Wars is great. it's fun, it's got more depth to it then almost any sci-fi movie I could name, it's immensely re-watchable no matter how many times you have seen it, each year you want to go back to it. I have to admit I even like the new three.

I actually think you're a bit stuffy if you can't get enjoyment out of this series and or perhaps take your own life a smidgen too seriously :D :p
I'm saving watching SW again until my house is finished enough that me and friends are going to have a marathon of them. It should be fun.
I like all the little humour bits which get forgotten because I get into the story. Every time I watch it I hear a joke which I've heard a thousand times before but still makes me laugh.
Especially now that I know the characters from the books, the sidelong glances and meaningful silences have a greater impact for me.
Yeah last time I watched the Original Trilogy I felt I was let in a bit more from reading just some of the books. I wish Wedge was in the films more.
Wedge was awesome. The character that always seemed to come out of nowhere, your not sure why he's there, but you're glad he is.
Yeah and he is great in the X-Wing series as well. I guess Wedge is there because it was a needed character and he had already been introduced in IV when Luke tells him to go back to base so it was easy to use him.
Refresh my memory - which character was Wedge (or what role did he play in the story)? I don't recall the scene referred to by Majimaune.
Wedge is the one who Luke tells to go back and the one who blows up the second Death Star in RotJ with Lando and that little alien guy (can't even remember his race...Sullustian?)
Agog with disbelief was the effect on me – I was only seven when it hit the big screen and there was NOTHING even close to it – the special effects where just stunning.

The “first” trilogy was simple and pure – literally a goodies and baddies film in the pure wild west style. The characters were all pretty good – Alex Gunnies was famously quoted saying didn’t understand anything he was talking about in the script or indeed got to grips with the story its self… but because he was such a good actor – one of the very few “known” actors in the movie you totally fell in love with him – when he died you actually felt a lump in your throat

Everything about the films made you feel good – Han was cocky, arrogant and a scoundrel but you KNEW he was good in his heart and would be in with the goodies. The mythology was not thrust upon you – in fact go back to watching the films and you find remarkably little “history” in the film to fill in all the questions you had. All the actors had good chemistry together – the scene of Leya looking at Luke for the first time in storm trooper garb was just SO funny. Han and luke was a lovely “big brother, little brother” thing – it just all melded in perfectly and the story was just about a boys journey to find his dad.


Scroll on 25 years and the prequels came out – the thing I think that most people didn’t like was that the story instantly jolted in their heads – it didn’t glue to the first trilogy… Anakin was a child – a slave child… yet we all believed that obi wan met him when he was a “great pilot”. The biggest mistake I believe in the second trilogy was this point. IF they had met Anakin at the SAME age as we first met Luke we could have more easily drawn parallels between the characters. As the films went on we lost more faith – the plot holes kept coming, Yoda wasn’t Obi’s master… Jar Jar was too slap stick and went so far past funny it was anything but. The films themselves seemed overly full of the “technology” and CG in the film – skimping past the story in favour of jaw dropping graphics.

Clones was better but Padme of course hadn’t aged a day while Anakin had vastly changed but yet she still fell for him – and sorry to say but a more wooden set of performances couldn’t be asked for – there was zero chemistry there… Padme had more sizzle on screen with obiwan than with Anakin!

Sadly it was only on the last film they got close to the feeling of the first trilogy – and even here they fell short by the plot holes again…

I just wish when they where writing the second trilogy they would have maybe just maybe watched their first ones again to get their facts straight before just ploughing along and letting everybodys hope crumble.

I really hope in another 30 years time these films are re-made from the start but this time re-wrote so they make sense
I'm a great fan of the original three; my daughters were brought up on the videos and knew the dialogue off by heart.

But something went wrong in George Lucas' head before writing the second trilogy. It was never going to work, because we knew how it ended. The Phantom Menace began with long boring sequences about trade routes - trade routes, I ask you! And then came Attack of the Clones - one of the worst films ever.

Chemistry? There wasn't even Domestic Science between those two!

I haven't seen the third film, which is generally reckoned the best. I liked Liam Neeson, was unconvinced by Euan McGregor and annoyed beyond belief by Jar Jar Binks.

So, first trilogy, yes, love it; second trilogy - pants.

And by the way, Wedge Antilles was played by Dennis Lawson, Euan McGregor's uncle. He later turned up as a doctor on UK television's not great medical soap, Holby City. He was an alcoholic consulktant with a bouffant hairdo - hilarious!

