Some of your favorite stories in the Writing Challenge -- NOT for voting.

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I've managed to pare my short list down to six entries, at last--although if I get someone to explain another one to me, I might have to add it to the collection. :)

At least they would fit on a normal die, if I have to roll for it in the end! I don't think I can get it down to a coin flip this time.

Still looking at:


Sephiroth--A Hopeful Case?


Boneman--The Words

Moonbat--Hero? Sh! I'm a...

mygoditsraining--Weigh anchor, Muttley; there's a medal in it for you.

I guess I'll agonize for another day or so.
First off, thank you to everyone who has mentioned my story as a choice, a shortlist, or indeed just as a passing fancy. In the company of forty-odd pieces of prose that are generally excellent and sometimes exceptional, I'm amazed that I could produce something that others feel is on par.

To quote Mukodono, "even if there is only one person who is touched by my work, then it's worth doing".

As for voting this month, it was a tough choice. I loved chopper's lyrical word choice, "Away, and below the system ecliptic."; I liked the unrepentant confessional of Mouse's fairy tale character; I liked the simple declarative style of HJ's entry.

In the end I chose Harebrain's story. The characterisation of the narrator is so neatly done; the way his ambition overreaches itself, even at his most perilous moment. Well done!
by Cul
Originally Posted by Boneman
(Thinks to self - join the chrons with three different identities, and have my cake and get banned too...)

You misquoted the saying there - i fixed it up for you.

Aah, but if the standard stays as high as it is now, it might just end up being worth it - literary suicide, for my art....

ps: at the moment it's heading for a three way split, which increases the need for three votes - don't ask me how, it's fantasy... BTW, in the end, out of my top three, I picked MGIRs, because it was so perfectly pitched with the language, and the kicker at the end. I do seem to have gone mostly for the humourous entries this month...
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woop! two mentions! thanking yee most kindly....

i thought i was probably a bit too lyrical, as it turns out, so i'm glad it's liked.
I am amazed at getting mentioned, personally as soon as I had posted my stoy I hated it and thought it could/shoul dhave been much better. But to hear that a couple of you actaully liked it has cheered me up and encouraged me to continue entering this wonderful little competition. Thank you :)

It look slikes it's going to be a close one again, Mouse is just ahead with 6, but both Harebrain and Sepiroth have 5 (and that's only 29 votes so far)
How many Votes were cast last month, if my memory serves correct we had fewer entries?
Last month we had 42 entries, the same number as we have this month, but only 39 people voted in April. (The tie-breaker poll, however drew 41 votes.)

I've been trying to get people on the site who did not participate to take an interest and vote, but we will have to wait and see about that.

It does look like we are repeating last month's pattern with a few early leaders that continue to gain votes. However, there could still be enough votes cast for someone with none to come from behind, or for someone at the top to start building a substantial lead.
so on those figures we can expect another ten or twelve votes. how many votes did the winner(s) gain last time, it was only 4 or 5 wasn't it?
Only a little more than three days left for everyone to cast their votes -- which many people haven't as yet. Those in the US who are going away for the three-day holiday weekend should keep in mind that the Challenge ends in the late afternoon/early evening on Monday for us, when some people may still be travelling.
I voted for The Judge's one, as I thought it was the best. :)
Thank you, Mouse. Such discernment and perspicacity in one so young. :D

Thank you, also, the earlier honourable mentions.

I'm still in a state of indecision, just as I was last month, so it looks like I'll be leaving it until the last minute again.
As long as you don't leave it as long as the Baron of Newdigate** has done on occasion.

** - Which sounds a bit like an entrance to a naturist establishment. (Let's hope this member of the Supreme Court is only looking for bare facts when he's on the job.)
If it suits people to have it so: yes. (And I expect it to be reported in the cutter press....)


I hope there isn't the need for a tie-breaker this time. I'm already getting impatient for the next topic. (It's bad enough that my next entry will probably be another turkey without it being a cold one. :rolleyes:)
If there is another tie-breaker vote, which begins to look increasingly likely, I will be arguing forcefully in favor of a much shorter period for it to run.

In fact, I'll make the suggestion now: two days for the tiebreaker. If there is a tie, we'll already have two or more winners worthy of our heartfelt congratulations, so at that point, it will simply be about deciding which of them picks the next topic. I don't think we need to take up five days out of the next month to decide that.

Alternatively, we could just toss a coin. We came perilously close to a tie in the tie-breaker last month, and if that were to happen, it could come down to tossing a coin in the end anyway.
I fully support your suggestion for a tie-breaking vote of shorter duration.

(Two days ought to be enough, given that there will usually only be two or three stories from which to choose.)
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