Discussing the Writing Challenges -- November and December 2010

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Once again I found it hard to pick. Each story had a little something, and always something different to offer. I must say that the mood of our stories was much more light hearted this go around. Maybe we have Karn to thank for that.


2nd Chance
The Judge
Ursa Major

Too many, so shorter list: Karn, Teresa, The Judge, Ursa Major

Parson's choice: Karn, a really humorous story that fit the theme and the genre precisely.
Once again I found it hard to pick. Each story had a little something, and always something different to offer. I must say that the mood of our stories was much more light hearted this go around. Maybe we have Karn to thank for that.
Parson's choice: Karn, a really humorous story that fit the theme and the genre precisely.

Maybe so, I don't know. I just thought humor would be my weapon this month. :)

And thanks for the vote, I really didn't think I would get so many. :D
"Funny" ... it seems impossible to avoid the 'last line' syndrome, the clever punchline...a bunch of people do it every month. I did it this month, the stupid last line just appeared under my fingers and i groaned and hit submit even tho it turned out to be only 69 woids.
Reiver has the best last line and Mouse the best 1st line.
So I didn't laugh, ha! ha! at Culs story..or Judge's..but the last line comes along and one goes: " Ha!" because what else is there to say, really?
Voting is getting harder each month, I swear. Well I've whittled out a shortlist but still can't decide who to vote for - so here are my honorable mentions:

J Riff
Chrispenycate (for cleverstickies)
Teresa E
Hilarious Joke
RM Tobias

at this point I keep flipping between TE and Bookstop...may have to sleep on it!

PS the quality this month is amazing! In actual fact honorable mentions should go to every single entry.
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As usual the content (or more precisely, the manner of it's interpretation) is clear to the writer, but not so much to others.

My take on it is that it’s about the conflict between someone whose mind has been set alight by the poetic madness of mystical inspiration (sort of a shamanistic initiation), and the prosaic, earthbound forces of Everyday that try to douse it again. In particular I like the final line, whose dull, insistent denial sums up what every visionary has to contend with.

It gets my vote hands down. In fact it’s my favourite piece to date.
Argh! I told my brother about the challenge and he wanted to read my story so I linked it to him and without telling me that he was going to do it he voted for it!

So if in the very unlikely event it matters, I have one less vote than the results say I do! Apologies for the mistake, he's a bit of a silly sausage sometimes. Hey, it runs in the family!

Hard decision this month...

Well it would depend if it was a carefully judged vote or not. If he'd read all the stories and voted for you anyway then either you have one loyal brother or he genuinely thought yours was the best. In either case it's good for you. I know if one of the stories had been written by one of my sons the chances the other would vote for it is a solid minus 100%.

But that's brotherly love for you. They act indifferent but if one is injured there they are as concerned as us - (in an indifferent way though).

Anyway, I suggest should it come to it, that you mention to your brother that the psychic probes and nutcrackers stand ready to attest to the genuine reasons for his vote.

Haven't read all the stories yet. Grateful thanks to those that mentioned my effort.

However, looking at the voting, although I don't think I'll be voting for Karn this month there would be a delicious irony if he actually won.
Having deliberated, it's still almost impossible to separate them, but my final two were Karn and TheEndIsNigh, both of which made me laugh out loud, and I'd like to see them in a tie-breaker at the end, please...

Finally, I went for The EndIsNigh. Excellent pov switch on the original.
thanks for the mention Procrastinator, I was so late getting mine in I figured no one would read it :)
Thanks very much, Karn and AN Other for the votes, and others for mentions. I have extrapolated from my first two months to see what happens next month, and my conclusions are...
Month 1 - some mentions
Month 2 (Nov) - some mentions and 2 votes
Month 3 - Peter Jackson films my entry and makes me very rich.

As for this month, it seemed a lot harder to choose than last. My shortlist was down to Karn, Paranoid Marvin, Talysia, TEIN, JRiff, 2nd chance, mosaix, chrispenycate (and that was before I noticed the title), mouse, hoopyfrood, Culhwch, Chel and Ursa Major. I don't know which to vote for yet, but suspect I'll, er, go with my gut.
My take on it is that it’s about the conflict between someone whose mind has been set alight by the poetic madness of mystical inspiration (sort of a shamanistic initiation), and the prosaic, earthbound forces of Everyday that try to douse it again. In particular I like the final line, whose dull, insistent denial sums up what every visionary has to contend with.

It gets my vote hands down. In fact it’s my favourite piece to date.

Wow, thanks HB - for the vote and the insight!

Someone recently asked me what the story was about and I explained very much along similar lines, particularly with regard to the last line of the story.

Most chuffed for the praise. :)
Well it was very hard and thought provoking choice, but in the end I just went with Hoopy, there was something just responsive in it, I am tempted to say that it just caught my eye.
I hope you're not suggesting that my puns are getting cornea and cornea, SE.
OK voting time and the usual nightmare. Obviously the standard was high again this month. I following caught my eye for shortlisting.

It's been difficult :-

Karn: too true to life; very good and a strong contender.

Perpetual Man. Liked the theme and the prediction.

Digs: A good chuckle.

2ndchance: Nice twist on the Mum knows best.

Mosaix: A timeless reflection on true love.

Bookstop: Can we have the full manual - loved it.

RSliwinski: Biggest chuckle although you've blown your cover now.

HJ: Strangely every time I read this I get an out of time experience.

Thanks to Boneman for his precious vote and to the other anonymous hero.

I'm voting for HJ for the odd thoughts it provokes.
Woo, thanks for the mentions! I'm still figuring out who I'm going to vote for.

I had gone with alchemist simply because I felt that this month I couldn't go through all the stories again and his I found rather humorous.
Wait, what? I think if people are going to bother to vote they should take the time to weigh up all the stories. While alchemist's story is obviously worth voting for - a few people have proved that already! - if we don't give a little time and respect to all the entrants a vote is pretty worthless.
Well it would depend if it was a carefully judged vote or not. If he'd read all the stories and voted for you anyway then either you have one loyal brother or he genuinely thought yours was the best. In either case it's good for you. I know if one of the stories had been written by one of my sons the chances the other would vote for it is a solid minus 100%.

But that's brotherly love for you. They act indifferent but if one is injured there they are as concerned as us - (in an indifferent way though).

Anyway, I suggest should it come to it, that you mention to your brother that the psychic probes and nutcrackers stand ready to attest to the genuine reasons for his vote.

Haha, I did actually say to him (after he offered to set up an account) that his vote was wrong unless he had read all the stories and genuinely liked mine the best and he said 'yes...I did that....' which of course means he didn't.

My real-life friends (digs, onebigpotato, axiom) and I seemed to have reached a similar understanding about when we vote for each other. Which is as it should be! We might all have our different criteria for how we decide who to vote for (and some, even an Excel spreadsheet for that purpose), but it certainly shouldn't be a popularity contest.

I also think it would be unfair if people voted without reading all the stories. And I'm not just saying that because I usually post mine late (honest!). I hope that's not a regular practice of yours Karn.

My favourite this month was Chel's, followed by SJAB's. Hoopy's deserves a mention for been so delightfully macabre as well.

Thanks for the vote Tein!
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