Hi Storyteller! You know though, there was also a lot that went right with your story...I enjoyed it.
These 75 worders are really tough...to get a bit of characterization in, you may have to abandon a story element; to add a little depth to the plot, yet stay within the word limit, you may have to have a sentence or two without the finesse of language you might like to show. Working on these smaller issues is terrific writing practice, and I think you'll be happier and happier with your entries as time goes by.
Once in awhile you read a 75 worder where everything seems just right...the plot is fully realized, there is some nice characterization, language is beautifully used, and there is a killer last line...and it just kind of leaves you in awe. That is what we have to aspire to, you know? But you're doing great, don't worry!