Well, about the title...
Naming it Felix was a bit of an escape mechanism when I couldn't think of anything else that would add to the story. Except that to me the story was foremost about the cat and its miserable position, hence its POV, and I thought to underline that by giving the story - that is to say, the cat - a name that to me is almost synonymous with it: Felix. Clearly that didn't work for everyone. People recognized Schrödinger, but not Felix.
In hindsight I should have given the title a little bit more thought.
Dead or Alive, That's the Question
The Small Matter of Being Observed or Not
A better title would have helped, sure, but as Mosaix and TJ have pointed out, the absence of an emotional element was the major flaw here.
Anyway, you're most kind, but I'm sure you have better things to contemplate overnight!