Just catching up on the stories and voting after the run up to Xmas and playing Skyrim for the last two days - nowhere near finishing that yet as there are stilol vast tracts to explore.
Anyway, first of all, many thanks to the short listing from harebrain as well as the very short listing of Mith, Boneman and TDZ. Very humbling.
And now my short list - wow! That was really difficult to cut any story out but I eventually managed to whittle it down to:-
Reiver33, Harebrain, Mith, High Eight, Nixie, Aun Doorback, Abernovo, Culhwch, Boneman, TDZ, Tereas Edgerton and the Judge (hmmm... not too short after all!)
My very short list from these few are:-
Teresa Edgerton
the Judge
But I give the nod to Culhwch... Well done!