Discussion -- 75 Word Challenge -- APRIL

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Thank you to Arkose and Alex, The G and T for the short listing. It means a lot to know others are interested in what you write.
High Eight - thanks for the mention!

Looks like we could be in for a really tight finish. Exciting times!
Here is my short list with the first three receiving votes.

How the war between the Centaurs and Monkey-Men Began -- hopewrites
A New Hope -- StormFeather
APRIL FOOL! -- springs1971
Unsuspecting Victor -- Grizzgreen711
Pure White: A Sister’s Promise -- Phoenixthewriter
Hostile Takeover -- TacticalLoco
Dying Wish -- Perpetual motion

The biggest factor seemed to be creativity. I did notice that my overall score did start decreasing slightly with those that used the word 'promise,'

Well thanks for the Shortlisting even with the use of the word! Honestly I didn't want to use the word. I fought through titles for days before actually settling down and giving in.
Thank you for the mentions TSP and Chris!

And -- AMB -- thank you very much for the vote (I commented on your story in the 300 before I saw that, I promise!)
Been wiped out all day - have just checked that I still have until tomorrow to vote. Can't concentrate enough to properly go through my long short list, so will try again tomorrow.
"Ladies and gentlemen, members of the SFFC, we have late breaking news, Starbeast, has cast his vote. Here he is to speak to everyone online at the SFFC and outer space."

"Greetings fellow beings. I am here to honor a great individual, who's craft is exceptional writing and bestower of nicitudes (ny-ci-toodz). I want to give Perpetual Man an award for simplistic excellence."

The Sci-Fi Award

"I couldn't stop thinking about it. Words can't descride my thoughts. I will post a list of HONORABLE MENTIONS in the future."​

"Well done, Perpetual man."​
Thanks for the short list hopewrites.

I see HareBrain and digs are out in front on 11 votes. But Aun is holding on with 10. Scott and Hex are snapping at their heels with 9.
My apologies but my time has been taken up with family issues recently and I haven't had time to keep up with this month's stories. Rather than skim through them I won't be voting - sorry.
I can't vote either sorry. My face has swollen up - apparently I have an allergy to instant coffee. My eyes have been affected and I can't see well enough to read everything.
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thanks vertigo and chris for the mentions, it was really hard to make a decision. but it's done I might be off for a while there is a lot of things going on.great month though

Starbeast! What on Earth?

I really was not expecting that this morning. Thank you!

Reiver33 and Anya two totally different things, but from my PoV two valid reasons for not voting.

There are always going to be those bigger things that raise their heads and interfere with theses challenges and the voting and I'm sure none of us are going to mind on these occasions.

So best wishes to Reiver I hope things are not too serious and get better soon Anya (Tea in future eh?)
Thanks for the vote, TSP.

Anya and reiver, I hope both you're situations improve soon. Best wishes and good thoughts. :)
Thanks for the votes Phyrebrat and alchemist! Also, thanks for the mentions and/or shortlisting TheDustyZebra, johnnyjet, Perpetual Man, Scott R. Forshaw, and Vertigo.

My Shortlist
The Judge
Aun Doorback
southron sword

David Evil Overlord
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