World Fantasy convention 2013

Hmm, looking at this one (Genre fiction in romance)

Over the past several years romantic and erotic writers have swamped the fantasy and horror markets with genre books aimed specifically at romance readers. Although the "paranormal romance", "urban fantasy" and "steampunk" sub-genres still sell well, are they not just the illegitimate offspring of "real" genre themes and, as such, nothing more than another passing fad?
I think I may pass or my blood will boil...Illegitimate offspring. Grr...I mean, way to be patronising/dismissive in the panel description.

Mind, I lolled at the 'Is it possible to make money out of e-books?'I don't know, why don't you ask Hugh Howey? I've been making money out of e-books for, er, four years now.

EETA: Ok the more I go through the details, the more I am boggling...
Oh wow. I'm going to get to sit in the same room as Susan Cooper.

Susan Cooper

Oh! WFC did get my Koffeklatsch application - but I missed the confirm email I was supposed to reply to. Corrected.

Will now be sitting in with Mr Boneman on Mr Abercrombie. :)
I'm in too. I'm memorising the map of Brighton as I type.

Excellent! Organisation I can do. Directions... Well I spent an hour driving along the Belfast interface today to find a very obscure meeting. How someone can manage the Shankill, Falls, Parade protests, city centre and the Westlink whilst looking for somewhere five miles away... (Central locking required.)
To sum up- I'll follow you. :D

We can't get too lost; it should be pretty much impossible to go too far south ;)

Depends on how good you are at swimming :D

I expect by saying this I'll now absolutely fail at helping people find things, But I've lived in the outskirts of Brighton for over four years so would hopefully be able to help people if they do get lost/want ideas for places...
Should we warn them how easy it is to get lost in the Lanes?

Nah, they'll figure it out :D (If you get lost, walk downhill, you'll end up on the front!)
Should we warn them how easy it is to get lost in the Lanes?

Nah, they'll figure it out :D (If you get lost, walk downhill, you'll end up on the front!)

Shhhh, let's not warn them. Or tell them the difference between the Lanes and North Lanes.
Given that we have the storm of the century flattening the south coast next week, and with it, naturally, every risk of a Baskingsharknado developing, would it be an idea to establish a hashtag by which we can find our fellow Chrons should needs arise, say #chronswfc? (I could be assuming a ubiquity of Twitter that isn't there.)
The trouble there is that hotel wifi/intertubes connection is notoriously patchy/expensive/both. :(

ETA: The storm is supposed to hit sunday night/monday morn, so it should all be over by the con.
Kmq/ Anne Lyle might be too busy? But if not very welcome.

I don't have any Saturday night plans so far, but I do have a cold at the moment (great timing!) so I might be taking it easy and lurking in the hotel rather than venturing out into the wind and rain.

BTW I'm planning on crashing the mass signing on Friday night (<namedrop>Scott Lynch invited me to hang out with him</namedrop>), so if you're around and want anything signed or just want to say hi, that's the place to find me :)
Given that we have the storm of the century flattening the south coast next week, and with it, naturally, every risk of a Baskingsharknado developing, would it be an idea to establish a hashtag by which we can find our fellow Chrons should needs arise, say #chronswfc? (I could be assuming a ubiquity of Twitter that isn't there.)

Sounds good. No one has currently posted on it :p And i'm sure some people will have access to twitter - even if only the night before :) Even if it won't help everyone, it's a good idea in case it helps some people keep track of others.
Given that we have the storm of the century flattening the south coast next week, and with it, naturally, every risk of a Baskingsharknado developing, would it be an idea to establish a hashtag by which we can find our fellow Chrons should needs arise, say #chronswfc? (I could be assuming a ubiquity of Twitter that isn't there.)

#chronswfc is off the mark!
I know Brian thinks I never come on the boards but he's wrong, I do read 'em but keep forgetting my password to log in (but I just found it, so here I am!)

Looking forward to seeing people at WFC. I can't see it mentioned on the programme, but TITAN BOOKS are having a party and signing event on the Saturday from 4 til 6. Can't remember which room it's in but keep an eye out for it - they're having fairground games and a popcorn machine so it will all be silly and fun! I'll be there signing A DANCE IN BLOOD VELVET and I'm also doing a reading on the Friday at 10.30 I think. Also the vampire panel on Friday.

I know there's been some muttering about the "tone" of some of the panels. "Broads with Swords" was another one. Is it still 1950?

Oh, and DO NOT LOSE YOUR BADGE!!! You'll have to pay £75 for a replacement! Lose it twice and you have to pay your whole membership fee again!

"User-friendly" is not an adjective I'd use for this event, but I'm sure we'll all have a good time regardless...

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