Benevolent Galaxy Being
Thank you for the reviews Victoria and Starbeast. It felt good to write something positive.
You're welcome Ratsy. You did great.
Starbeast -- somehow you got Conan's chronology, the mythic backstory, an entire battle and Conan's death into 300 words. That's how to tell a story fast!
Thanks so much for the reviw EloiseA, you made my day shine bright during a stormy day. I thank God the lightning was mild.
I had a small idea that I had been saving for months. And when I stared at "the Map" (this month's challenge), my old idea arose, mutated and expanded quickly, then presto!
Hex - You have conjured a fascinating tale about kingdoms and the pursuit of a man of royal blood by a mysterious woman. The confrontation of the two at the end was very intense. Excellent.
AJB - A magnificantly written story which paints tremendous images in my mind of the proceeedings. I was dazzled by the last paragraph which surprised and entertained me. Nice work.
Barlennan - Remarkable tale of old which involves the great reptilian creatures known as dragons. This wonderful story is narrated by Heron, who watched times change and befriends man and dragon. Very cool.