Discussion -- 300 Word Challenge #9

Wow! Thanks for that review SB. Made me feel all too human, for a few hours!

Will now return to the relaxing, or sleeping. Whichever comes first.

You're welcome Perpetual Man.

Paranoid Marvin - Whoa, you've created quite an entertaining poetic tale of the Map Making Man. Wonderfully written and very charming rhythm, with wordage that made me feel comfortable and warm inside.

Abernovo - An enchanting and pleasent story about traders voyaging forth in ships, and a father who loves the company of his daughter. But he knows she'll find someone soon. I like the Kiran-no dragon's breath in a bottle, very cool.
Thank you, Starbeast. I'm glad you liked it. :)
Thanks VS.

Wrote two this month, and wasn't sure which story to post. The other one was a 'lighter' fantasy, but I'm glad I decided on the dark one now.
JoanDrake - Very unique science fiction story about fierce and highly organized female space warriors. A very unexpected tale you have created.

Glisterspeck - Boar riding barbarians search for gold, but they (and I) had a startling surprise in this fantasy. A gargantuan ending to a terrific story.

Brev - A tear-jerking drama that wrenched at my emotions. You grabbed my heart, and threw it in a blender! However, you made a darkly delicious ending.
You're welcome Perpetual Man.

Paranoid Marvin - Whoa, you've created quite an entertaining poetic tale of the Map Making Man. Wonderfully written and very charming rhythm, with wordage that made me feel comfortable and warm inside.

Abernovo - An enchanting and pleasent story about traders voyaging forth in ships, and a father who loves the company of his daughter. But he knows she'll find someone soon. I like the Kiran-no dragon's breath in a bottle, very cool.

I'm glad you liked it Starbeast, and thankyou for the positive comments.
Mine's up, and just in time. Life's very full these days.

So far I have not read any of the other or the discussion. Looking forward to that but it may be the weekend before I even get a chance.

Thanks to all and hope to post more soon.
Well, I'm in.

Look forward to having a good read through of all the others when I'm back at the nest!
...and just in time.
There's plenty of time: as of now, about ten and a half hours, by my reckoning.

(In fact, I feel that I've posted early, but that may have more to do with the worry that my entry requires more editing. On the other hand, I always worry about that.)
I finally came up with a story last night, spent most of the morning fussing over it. Now posted, for better or worse.

I doubt I'm a candidate for latest story entered.
