Remedy -- This tale of the distant future uses a unique viewpoint, and allows the reader to empathize with an unusual protagonist. We are also reminded of the ways in which our blunders can have tragic consequences.
Juliana -- Another world, another culture, and a new myth are created in this vivid fantasy. An unexpected turn of events demonstrates that change is inevitable, and is best embraced.
springs -- Making use of a folksy style, the author makes an extrordinary concept seem real. The grass may actually be greener on the other side of the fence, it seems; but be aware that getting back over the fence may not be easy.
Tywin -- In the tradition of the classics of satire, this grimly humorous story allows the characters to unknowingly reveal their flaws through their own words. As a wise possum once said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Abernovo -- What the narrator does not understand is the heart of this subtle and realistic look at an endless conflict between nature and human technology. We must realize that the result of our failure to fully know what we are doing may be dire.