remedy if you have to do laundry keep the differant peoples clothes separate or those socks will drive you insane.. small loads..
add one teaspoon of scented pinesol to a cup of water and put in the washer if something is smelly yucky (up to three spoons if it is bad bad..) this will kill the odours and bacteria without fading the clothes .. it also helps get out grease based stains ..
if it is an high efficiency washer, never mind the feeder trays, they are impossible.. put your washing powder and soda in water mix up and toss into the washer tub..put in a spoon of softener or crystal smell pretty stuff (i believe downey calls them unstoppables)... put the clothes in .. check pockets and put stuff with a design painted on it inside out .
warm wash.. when it is finished (use extra spin if you have it, it cuts down drying time) the washer stops completely.. open door take things out and shake them to dewrinkle.. if you are worried about shrinkage for the item or dryer wear and tear, hang to dry now.. otherwise lightly load dryer .. add dryer antistatic sheet.. empty lint filter .. turn dryer on medium cycle.. when it starts to smell like fresh laundry, check it for dryness and remove, fold or hang.. touch up with iron now. check hanging clothes.. if almost dry, touch up with iron if needed.. otherwise, when dry put away.
good luck and may the fleecy be with you..