Discussion - 300 Word Challenge #12

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I guess I was the first brave one to attempt to follow up springs' entry! Of course, the only way I could do that was by not reading her entry. Now that I've posted mine, I read it and . . . GASP! Why didn't anyone warn me???

Great entry, springs!
Well, mine is...something.

I can't deny that it isn't an entry, as it is clearly posted in black and white. Quality standards might be another argument though. :p

It's just that it's at a faster pace than I would have liked.
A little touch of hard SciFi to add to the mix and keep things interesting. I think fantasy would be the more popular choice, but I've never been one to roll with the crowd, unless beer was involved... or curry... or rugby... or stuff like that. Then I'm a sheep. Anyway, there we go, my entry is up. It was a bit of a squeeze at 300, but I guess that's the point.
I wrote two stories but found it hard to get the first one down to 300 words and have it make any sense (although I might turn it into a short story)

Anyways, I am in and it was kind of a fun idea. Great image btw!
Have something written. It's not brilliant, but it is the only story coming, and it doesn't want to be edited or rewritten, so I'll post it as is. Just need to think of a title.

Stupid titles.
I got beaten with the inspiration stick this morning and threw out my idea of pirate-sharks for a darker and more serious tone. Luckily I only had to cut a handful of words to make it 300 :D
No, everyone just scrapped what they had when you posted. It's all your fault. Didn't I mention that? :D
I like it very much, Remedy. :)

Thank you springs. I really appreciate that comment from you (and your envy inducing entries ;))

I can't wait to see how many different angles are taken on this picture. I want to read more!
Have something written. It's not brilliant, but it is the only story coming, and it doesn't want to be edited or rewritten, so I'll post it as is.

Just need to think of a title. Stupid titles.

You too huh?

Well, while chip off a few words, check spelling and count how many words are used (1000 times), I'll try to think of a title.

I didn't want to go for an epic adventure, just something I find interesting.

But if you want help thiniking of a title, PM me if you like, no worries if you don't. :)
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