Discussion - 300 Word Challenge #12

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Starbeast -- The larger-than-life characters of popular culture may seem far different from ourselves. Properly depicted, however, we realize that they are merely reflections of our own weaknesses and desires.

Thank you so much Victoria. You definately have a way with words, and sharp focus to read between the lines, to see the true meaning behind the what is written.


Springs - Such a magnificant tale of a family of mages, and the technological world they live in, which is threatened by tremendous storms. My heart warmed as I enjoyed the father's love for his daughter in your story. Just beautiful.​

Johnnyjet - Diabolical aliens occupy the Earth, the ruling outworlders make it a forbidden law to leave the planet, and so they destroy all of our starships to insure we'd never leave. Fiendishly dark tale, with a great ending highlighting human defiance and hope. Gargantuanly good.​

Karn Maeshalanadae - Superb entry about two fantastic beings that love each other very dearly. Unfortunately, one day, Telmar is dying after a demon hunt, and Cylari brings him to a distant moon for medical help, but it is a trap. Sad, but absolutely marvelous.​

Uh-oh, I'm called away! Gotta go!​
My first idea was too close to springs'. My second would make a great start to a short story/novella but wasn't a 300 word story. So I went with a third, without checking if there was anything similar because I couldn't do four ideas. So apologies if it's similar to anyone else's :D
I always go late. It assures that I'm not repeating anyone and gives me time to work on it. I'm sorry if that's seen as improper.

And this time I had two and just couldn't make up my mind
Why would it be seen as improper? There are several people who usually wait until the last day or two (sometimes the last hour!), either because ideas don't come to them immediately, or because they take time to work on their stories. You're in good company.
I'm in the "ideas don't come to them immediately" category, as I haven't thought of a darn thing yet. Technically, when I really start thinking, the ideas come just fine -- I just haven't started yet. I still have four days. :D
Mr Orange -- The perception of events varies with the point of view from which they are seen. What may seem trivial to one may be vitally important to another.

K'ree -- The idle amusements with which we pass the time can come to mean more to us than more practical matters. Many times more passion goes into play than into work.

chrispenycate -- When human beings are isolated from others due to circumstances beyond their control, they create their own reasons for living. This capacity for hope is one of our greatest strengths.

BigJ -- The profession of soldier has been one of immense difficulty and responsibility since ancient times. Those who defend us must be given great power; but how can we be sure that this power will not be used against us?

HareBrain -- Reason is one of the greatest achievements of the human mind. Imagination is also. Can we find the right balance between the two, or must they always struggle against each other?

JoanDrake -- The rapid rate of change in technology ensures that each generation will face new challenges, and find new solutions. Their elders may find it difficult to understand them.

Perpetual Man -- Technology offers the world many benefits, but presents many dangers. It would be arrogance to assume that mightier machines result in greater wisdom.

Phyrebrat -- The human mind is an endless mystery, a mirror trying to see itself within itself. To gaze within ourselves is to face the danger of losing ourselves.

alchemist -- The visionaries among us offer us our greatest opportunities for advancement; but how are we to tell the difference between the dreams of the idealist and the delusions of the lunatic?

Rafellin -- Those in charge of enforcing regulations are rarely popular with those over whom they watch. Who will watch the watchmen, indeed; but the watchmen need protection as well.

David Evil Overlord -- In a world of nearly instantaneous communication, the ability to control information ensures immense power. We must be careful to find the truth for ourselves.

Teresa Edgerton -- Love is blind, they say; but often it sees all too clearly. The imperfect nature of our emotional entanglements can lead to tragedy.

Glen -- It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life. Even our greatest efforts may not be enough. We can only go on.
Starbeast, you're always lovely. Thank you. :)

You are very welcome Springs.

Kind of putting the cart before the horse with that trap assumption, SB. :D

But thanks for the review. :)

You are right Karn, in my hast to leave, I misworded myself in your review (that's what I get when I hurry, mistakes). I meant to say, "but it was a trap from the start..."

Sorry about that my friend, I'll try to remember next time, that it's safer to delete, than it is to quickly type out a finishing sentence.

BTW, I like that new avatar of yours.

(part two)​

Juliana - Sabotage is the main focus here, great efforts and sacrifice are made in order to accomplish the goal. However, the ominous presence of "Death", is following quickly behind the courageous heros, metaphorically. Tremendous drama mixed with high tension makes this an awesome entry.​

Bowler1 - Massive machines known as "Collector Rigs", harvest the precious element known as Helium-3 in a race against the rising deadly rays of the sun. Great intensity abounds in this tale, and I enjoy stark imagery of the giant walking mechanical hulks moving across the land.​

Ratsy - I really like these stories about scientists who break the boundaries of what is possible, and push ahead to what is questionable, simply put, "We can do it, but should we?" I tip my hat to the author, with the wonderful ending to this weird and forbidden science story. Good stuff.​

Remedy - Fantasic drama highllights this terrific tale about humankind trying desperately to save themselves in a dying world. With one last chance, a mega-machine dubbed, "The Tide Walker" strides forth into the rising waters to save humanity. And yet, the effort may be, far too late. Astonishing story!​

Victoria Silverwolf - Quite a treat you've created here, with humans using an ancient way to collect power from demons, and using them as energy sources. Very cool and thought-provoking idea, including, adding the coming of angels to destroy the demons. You leave the reader thinking, who is right, and who is really wrong. I love that.​

Starbeast - I have been wanting to do a comic book styled adventure for quite a while. I wanted to feature one (or a few) of my favorite superheros, and when I stared at the artwork of Glisterspeck, it sparked ideas fom Marvel and DC comics.​

TitaniumTi - In this post-apocalyptic offering, humans have finally become extinct, all that is left are the mighty cyber brains of the super high-tech A.I. machines. I chuckled at their celebration of independence, a very nice touch. But, there is an ancient survivor that is adapting to it's new environment quickly, mutating onto a more durable form, the dreaded, roach. Spectaular story.​

Martin321 - A dark comedy, yes! Strange creatures, magical people and demonic beings are ending up on a planet were their is no magic. The once mighty spell casters are removed of their great powers, making them as harmless as mortals. Mu-ha ha ha ha ha ha! Fiendishly cool tale that I immensely delighted in.​

Mosaix - Hurray! Another dark humored story. Inside this nicely wrapped treat, we are brought to a diner, where a patron named Billy Running Horse steps in and orders food. There is a great spooky atmosphere inside the establishment, and a threatening scary storm brewing outside. I smiled widely at the sudden conclusion which sheds light on what is really going on. Excellent work.​
I sat on it for a couple of weeks, and nothing better came to mind. So it's up.
Thank you very much for the comments, Starbeast! Always very much appreciated. :)

You are immensely welcome Juliana.

(part three)​

SleepyDormouse - Such a wonderful and amazing story about a brave and hard working young woman named, Rhona. I thoroughly enjoyed this story that showcased a tough lady, who gives a hundred percent performance at her job. I have great admiration for Rhona.​

Fitzchivalry - Whoa! I think you've created an excellent way to take care of hard core criminals. Well, an amusing way of sentencing them in fiction. It's like a game of chance, a deadly way of fate, or a temporary hell for the lucky ones. Diabolically cool.​

Mr Orange - This is an outstanding science fiction offering that entertains the reader, much like an episode from the classic fv show, The Twilight Zone. Fiecre alien invaders come to Earth, and are doomed by a huge surprise at the end of this story. Well done sir.​

K'ree - I just had a great time, reading this tale. I was lead into one direction, where a galactic space battle is brewing. And then you (the author) reveal what is really going on. Firstly, nice to meet you. And second, please watch the profanity.

Chrispenycate - Ah, marvelous and eloquent as always. I like how you display that the smallest of things, though unseen, are there, and are important. Unique and even surreal examples are given to understand that most things need and benefit from light. Finely written sir.

BigJ - Astonishingly fantastic sci-fi tale that is a familiar echo from the thrilling pulp magazine adventures in weird science fantasy of the past. A remarkable story that is capped with a chilling final word, a name, to be exact. Good stuff.

HareBrain - Just when I thought the holiday treats were over, you have brought back December and wrote a wonderful tale, gift wrapped in darkened humor. I would love to see this made into a wacky PG-13 cartoon. Or live-action movie to see the chaos unfold with actors. Freaky and funny.

JoanDrake - Your tale is an interesting discriptive interpretation of the photo given to us by Glisterspeck. I got a sense of standing in the crowd and looking at the powerful electrical station booming and cracklong with ionic noise. Frightening to be near it, but dazzling to witness.

Perpetual Man - Heh heh. In fictional tales, I was always amused by humans being the aggressors and invaders of inhabited worlds. Plus, just when we think we have a race under our thumb, they revolt in matter we're completely unprepared for. Cool sci-fi offering.
I'm in. I decided to stop tweaking and post it.

I should have kept on tweaking mine as I've noticed an error that would have given me an extra word to play with. Oh well, far too late now.

Thank you Starbeast.

Voting soon. It's always good to live in hope. ;) Splitting my three votes will difficult, there is a good range of stories already up - who to pick???
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