The Bravest Newbie - A beautifully written piece that shows yet another aspect of love, that of something that is pure, yet frowned upon by some of those around you. It captures the cruelty of prejudice, the weight placed on those who only want to be together. And how even despite pressure there is an escape. The last line is perfectly placed and structured to give the emotional impact the story deserves.
ratsy - a wonderfully skewed take on the theme, that is darkly humorous for all the right reasons. Someone trapped into making a choice after the death of a loved one. Do they follow the wishes out of love, duty, or because the law says so. Whatever the reason we get the perfect ending as the man faces an ongoing life with the woman he married. Til death do we part. He wishes.
Alc. - Oh the promise and romance of true love. This of none of those things a, it is almost the bewitchment of someone by looks and the promise of glamour and an exotic lifestyle. I would not like to say that the protagonist of this story is effected by looks and the promise of gifts, but the second the adventure she is gone in a puff of smoke. What may have been true love for one is not for the other.
Juliana - A tale with a darkly humorous core. I am sure there are many cases where a man being prodded by his partner to get up and do something rather than watch the football, it is the wife who suddenly finds that she finds herself somewhere behind eleven men in his list of affections. Here though she wins through - just, but it is what they are up to that speaks of another kind of love altogether.
Karn - This is one for me. There was a time, an age ago where I was the keeper of the Chrons Biscuit Barrel, so if anything were going to whet my appetite it was going to be this story. The way it sets the reader up is perfect. A man trying to decide between two loves. The pay-off though is brilliant, although there is the option of having both.... (Which is probably what I would do...)
CC - A brilliant piece that shows how different perspectives can show totally different things; it shows the love of a child for the parent and the opposite, it is a piece that makes you think, because those very views might be twisted. In the end though it is an excellent piece that is more than the 75 words (or ;less) it took to create it.
Bob - Where do you begin with this one? A fun, entertaining story that starts as though it is just another love story, rapidly develops into sibling rivalry over the charms of a woman, then a murderous riot, before slapping you around the face with a killer punchline. What more can I say? I laughed.
Cul - Yet another magnificent story, one that catches the feeling of young men forced by circumstance into a war that was too terrible to contemplate, to do things that we, in a modern age, dare not even think of. And yet it sincerely catches the heart of humanity that can be found in such situations. The common experience, the common emotion showing mercy in the heart of hell. Could almost be a snapshot of memory.
WinterLight - And a fine piece of entertaining nonsense (that’s a compliment honest). I loved the names and the almost alieness of the characters, All ready to obliterate us in our ignorance. It feels as though we did not know they were there and then... a common trait, a shared love saves the day. And the human race does not even know about it. Makes you wonder how often something like this has happened?
Kerrybuchanan - A story that feels and indeed touches on the classic. It feels as though it could well be a part of the ancient myths, the jealous gods, vying for love and power, be it a mother’s love or a love between deity and woman, but it is made something else entirely by the last line. Enough to make a stone face smile.