Tough crowd today. Where is everybody???
Well, I know I've been the guest host but I'm still entitled to a vote (I think), but before I get to the nitty-gritty, I'd like to say that it's been a pleasure getting up close and personal with such excellent stories this month. There were some real corkers in there, but these were the standouts for me.
Mummy - Yummy
So Pretty It Hurts - Who is this masked warrior who pricks our pomposity? Oh, it's the tattooist.
Same Love - La plus le change...
Clap Your Hands - but fear the encore
The Ballad Of Parsimone - Bars will cage you, but your mind will set you free
Wrong Turn Of Events - By hook or by crook, the crook'll get hooked
Fluid - Messy
Writ of Certiorari - Damned regulation. Always hampering the small business.
All sterling efforts, including the ones I haven't shortlisted. But my vote goes to
The Ballad Of Parsimone - well done to.... woops! Almost let it slip