As the steamboat pulled into the harbour at Elven Wood, the tall thin native glared at the Dwarven river pilot who handled the engineered monstrosity with ease.
“How y’doing?” the dwarf asked with rosy faced cheer.
“Get knotted,” the elf replied with liquid grace, reluctantly tying the boat to the jetty hoping the dwarf would be unable to undo the rope when it came time to leave.
“That’s the idea,” the dwarf chuckled taking a sip from his bottle of grog. “Ahve brought the latest missives from the Tower of the Chroniclers. Want t’ see them?”
The elf sighed, “Reading them is an honour; reading them with you is akin to having my bowels eviscerated and stretched from one end of the wood to the other.
“Ho ho ho,” the stumpy one laughed good heartedly and slapped the elf on the back with the friendly force of someone trying to dislocate the others spine, “Let’s begin!”
Glen – Now this here is a man with the right idea, progress, machinery that makes thing easier for the masses, makes money for those who put the hard work in, giving people more time to relax an’ drink, what could be better?
An arrow through the eye?
Chris – A wonderfully sculptured piece of work that is in all ways magnificent, not only in form is it exquisitely put together, but there is a subtext that these things might not be for the best of the community at large, especially when put together by subterranean gold-diggers.
He was talkin’ about gnomes you sanctimonious stretch of piddle.
Ray – Someone who understand the economics behind production, and understandin’ just what it is that the workers need. Increase in profits and productivity is a necessary acumen that borders on genius.
Sometimes I do not understand a word you say.
Ragandar – See? This story featuring someone who is only slightly lower on the evolutionary scale than a dwarf, touches perfectly on the emotional of cost of such industry. Yes, it might create things so quickly, but they are poor in comparison and the damage to the individuals is traumatic and demeaning.
Ah, it’s a frakking Orc, who gives a monkeys you elvish pranny.
Zen Dragon – Ah this could almost make me quite horny, y’know. The description is almost erotic, makes me long for home. Of course, it’s credited t’the gnomes, but I’ll let him off for the idea, building dragons, what imagination, eh? Where’s me notepad?
Industrial espionage now, is there any level a dwarf will not stoop to? Not that you have to stoop.
Kieran Song – Ah human, prepared to welcome the ‘advanced’ perversions as easily as a witch would welcome a wart. This perfectly shows the gullibility and intrinsic stupidity, prepared to believe in the pap they read when it in flies the face in all reason, leaving them to a fate they so richly deserve.
Bloody vampires as sanctimonious and uptight as an elf. More honest though.