Sekrit 9?

Yeah. I think I have got the concept of this here new ( to me) challenge now.
I'm quite happy to have a go at writing anything except a romance!
As for me I would like sci fi, not fantasy if possible :)
Yeah. I think I have got the concept of this here new ( to me) challenge now.
I'm quite happy to have a go at writing anything except a romance!
As for me I would like sci fi, not fantasy if possible :)
You don't get to choose which you are given - indeed, I believe the host is supposed to draw pairs out of a hat, though we've no way of knowing if a sadistic organiser is carefully choosing mismatched pairs, or sympathetic one compatible.

Anyway, nobody complains if, when you've written your requested story you can always write one of the others - some of the original writers are bound to drop out. I'm starting to prepare notes now, with no idea which I might be asked for.
My method will either involve a literal hat, or something technological that will allow for random sorting. I haven't quite figured out the latter.
Ok so I know I'm probably obsessing over nothing... but I kept thinking about the Waky-Zany aspect and how it came about.

The first few of these most of us submitted easy to tackle briefs. "I want a romance" "I want something with a cat in it" "I want a horror by a lake" ... but the ones that got loads of comments before stories were assigned were the ones that made everyone go "HOly Sh!t that's a cool request, I hope I dont get it, but dude that story will be awesome!"
so as we racked up more and more, it kind of became a challenge to come up with something people would go "DUDE!!! I want to write that!" or "AAAAAWEE that's gonna suck for whoever gets that but it will be SOOOO COOOL!"

I think the last two that we did we were more like daring eachother to come up with the best request. And the last one we did, halfway through requesting the idea was thrown out to have an over arching theme to work on. Something that would make it more workshopy... but everyone agreed that if that were going to be the case that we have the theme before we submitted requests so that we could pick requests that worked with the theme.

Right? So if, for example, the theme was Dialog, I wouldn't request something with AI and a Cat.... (Because I have a story I still owe the finished product of where I'm stuck on the dialog between the AI and the Cat.) or something with a mime and a tree... (because who could do a story where a mime is talking to a tree, that's nuts!)

So I guess what this ramble-babble is not saying but it was intended to, is that I'm glad we have kind of swong back around to the roots of this challenge. Because I was having a hard time comeing up with something that was "SOOO COOOL" and as soon as I took that pressure off my idea popped right up.
Did that happen?
Someone wanted a mime talking to a tree?


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Did I mention it's a Spaghetti Western? :inlove: /s


For those who don't know, this swine ^ set a theme which I got a few times back. It wasn't so much the Spaghetti Western which threw me, but the fact that it had to also be a heist that had to go wrong and the gang had a robot wolf which helped them. My God I pulled my hair out wrangling something. I got around 6k into a story that was more Breaking Bad meets X-Files and Silent Hill before realising I was waaaaay off piste and had to start again.

I forgive him though, now. ;) I like Starbeast's, too; I've not written fanfic before but not sure how I'd get a donut shop in there! :eek:

I think they'd make good doughnut shop owners.
Voodoo Doughnuts gone Sith.
Blacklighing and frequent raves are in order imo.
I like Starbeast's, too; I've not written fanfic before but not sure how I'd get a donut shop in there! :eek:


No worries Phyrebrat. We've got three months to wait for others to join the fun, with their own suggestions for stories. I'm sure when the names are drawn from the hat (I'm guessing how it works behind the scenes) for the Secret Writer, you most likely won't get mine (87.9 percent certain).

Until September arrives, I can't even fathom what I'm going to get. I was thinking about staying away from this thread (because I already made a request), so I'll be surprised at what I'll get, and what others will receive.

Hmm. I'm going to check out the past tales from this game, to see exactly what to expect in the relating threads.
You don't get to choose which you are given - indeed, I believe the host is supposed to draw pairs out of a hat, though we've no way of knowing if a sadistic organiser is carefully choosing mismatched pairs, or sympathetic one compatible.

When I ran that one, I carefully chose stories to match who I thought would be awesome at writing them. Since at least a couple of them got published, and another one really should, I think that worked ok. I hope that disclosure doesn't disqualify me from running another one. :)

No worries Phyrebrat. We've got three months to wait for others to join the fun, with their own suggestions for stories.

Err... no, we don't. Sign-ups end June 1st, and assignments come out by the 15th. Stories are due in September.
When I ran that one, I carefully chose stories to match who I thought would be awesome at writing them. Since at least a couple of them got published, and another one really should, I think that worked ok. I hope that disclosure doesn't disqualify me from running another one.

Sneaky McSneakerson!

I didn't know that. Now I want to go and see what one it was you ran and who got what!

I like the sneakology, you varmint!

Requests in so far:
Story set in a rainy location.

a sci-fi or sci-fantasy story about being stuck in an alternate reality.

Darths Sidious and Maul running a doughnut shop

derelict spaceship in a desert with creepy horror

cislunar delivery boy.

A fable
A sci-fi.
I thought there would be a lot more people here. Maybe we should PM all of the regulars that enter the 75 & 300 Challenges?

Perhaps most don't know about Sekrit 9.
I'm thinking about it, I'm thinking about it... the last one I did of these ended up being an 18000 word novella, which is on one hand an excellent outcome, but on the other hand I really need to focus on my WIP, which is being criminally neglected...

Actually, that was an announcement of the announcement I'm currently making. Wait, that was an explanation of what the first line was, which was an announcement of the announcement. This also isn't the announcement; it's just an unnecessary sentence.

Without more ado, here's the announcement:

I'm extending the deadline for requests to July 1st, and the deadline to submit stories to October 1st.

Here endeth the announcement. Actually, the announcement ended *gets hit by a fish*

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