DISCUSSION -- January 2018 300 Word Writing Challenge (#28)

cheers TJ, posting anon. it's a last minute thing, unstructured and possibly influenced by my 2 year old's picture books, but I had fun writing it.

P.S. for some reason my fingers initially typed "last minute" above as "last inuit". which would have been a completely different story.
And a reminder for everyone still working on or thinking about writing a story: just a few hours remain before the deadline.
Well, I made it. Phew.

Thanks for the suggestion, mosaix, but nothing came of a quick re-read of everyone else's tales, save further panic! But by chance I found the opening lines of a draft for a previous 300 worder that for some reason I'd not binned when I'd written a totally different story that quarter. I changed everything save the opening verse but it was enough to get me started, fortunately.
I actually had a story this morning. Problem was, it was well over 300 words, a lenrth in which it had not really gone anywhere, the set-up didn't work and I couldn't think of a proper ending. Being out all afternoon, and at a concert this evening, I thought there was no chance of getting something on paper.

On arriving home this evening, I was faced with the choice of wasting my time hacking something about that would never work or not entering. And then I remembered that I'd had an odd plant in a very early version** of my WiP1. There was no real story attached to the plant in that old WiP version: the plant was there as a bit of literally colourful description (which is why it was removed from the WiP perhaps as long as a decade ago).

So all I needed was a setting, a narrator, a story.... (Hmmm. I wish I could produce these things a bit earlier in the month....)

** - Luckily for me -- though not perhaps for those who have to read my entry -- I creat a new file whenever I do an edit on a WiP (hence the thousands of files for a mere 4 WiPs), so the description of the plant was still on my computer. Phew!
The Sea Witch, @Teresa Edgerton - All right, which part of "witch" did this foolish man not understand? Learned a lesson, didn't he? Did you? If not, allow me: "There's always a bigger fish in the sea."
The Storyteller and Slave Girl, @The Judge - A beautifully written story. The Storyteller is indeed ancient - but just how ancient, no one but the Storyteller could possibly know!
The Storyteller and Slave Girl, @Ursa major - I've a feeling Mike is quite young. That being so, I hope he doesn't try to discover the truth of things through trial and error!
The Storyteller and Slave Girl, @Ursa major - I've a feeling Mike is quite young. That being so, I hope he doesn't try to discover the truth of things through trial and error!
That was a shock! I didn't notice the @name initially, just the title, and I had a frisson of horror as to where this Mike had appeared in my story. :p

I was faced with the choice of wasting my time hacking something about that would never work or not entering. And then I remembered that I'd had an odd plant in a very early version of my WiP1.
Glad I'm not the only one indulging in a bit of last minute recycling!

It seems to me we're little shy of the average number of entries this month. Does the New Year hangover usually extend this far?
You're right. At 35, it's the lowest number of entries this year (I've not checked the number of new entrants this quarter which might have a bearing on it, since last quarter we had 6 newbies) and also lower than the average per quarter over the whole 7 years -- we've achieved 1092 entries in total and I make that an average of 39 stories per quarter.

For those who are interested, I'll attach a short table showing the entries per quarter, and this makes the third time (out of seven) that January has been the lowest achieving month for entries, and only once has it been the highest achieving month, and that was jointly with another quarter, though whether that's down to New Year's hangovers or everyone virtuously at the gym (ha ha) who knows!


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