What Was the Last Television Episode You Watched?

Star Trek: Fanservice Season 2 Ep 5 - A Night In Sickbay.


You know what this show needs? Sexual tension! All the great shows have a will-they-won't-they? Do-they-don't-they? sexual tension thing going on between the lead male and the lead female characters. Mulder and Scully, John Crichton and Aeryn Sun... er... Ross and Rachel! What this show needs is Archer and T'pol to have the hots for each other but they can't show it because she's a Vulcan and he's her superior officer! Whaddya think guys?​
Producers: Great idea huh?​
Slightly Brave Writer: Yeah really... great - you know what? I think it's such a great idea that you guys should write it yourself. I mean we'll help out...​
Producers: Say that's a really great idea. You're hired.​
Slightly Brave Writer: I already work for you.​
Producers: (Between themselves) You know instead of showing that they've got the hots for each other; why don't we just get Dr Phlox to diagnose that Archer's suffering from the blueballs...​
Writers slowly leave the room and head for the nearest bar.​
There can be no other explanation.
More Cherckmate:

“Deadly Shadow” – Young widow of a Marine killed in an accident has her late husband’s papers stolen and an attempt is made to kill her. Checkmate, Inc., investigates and finds out the Marine Corps has no record that her husband ever existed. The bad guy has a motive I finally figured out, but the reason the dead husband married under a fake name remains unexplained, as far as I could tell. The previous episode had an actress born in Italy pretend to be 100% American; this one has a 100% American actress (former child actress Margaret O’Brien) pretending to be “European.”

“The Dark Divide” – Barbara Rush plays a woman with two personalities, a fact revealed to the audience quickly but hidden from Checkmate, Inc., for a while, so it’s not a Shocking Twist Ending. The meek, mousy one is threatened by the sexy, criminal one. A real tour de force for Rush, who transforms instantly from to another in a way that always makes it clear who’s in control.

“Moment of Truth” – While on vacation, the young, handsome member of Checkmate, Inc., is falsely accused of murdering the sister of a famous matador (Richard Conte.) The bullfighter vows to kill him in revenge. Then there’s the relentless police chief on the case (Martin Landau) who tries to force him to confess. Can his buddies clear his name and find the real killer? (Of course.) Victor Buono is in there, in a small role. Take a drink every time a non-Hispanic actor plays a Mexican, and you’ll soon pass out.
Watched the first episode of the new season of Only Murders in the Building last night. It was called 'Once Upon a Time in the West.' I thought it was a good start to the new mystery, and it had me and my husband laughing out loud in places. Always a good sign.
I watched the first episode of PACHINKO, an American/Korean family saga series spanning the 20th century. I thought it was superb and I'm looking forward to the rest.
I've seen them all from about Season 6 onwards. Started watching during lockdown when there was less to do. In the first few seasons there was less episodes so it's doable, but I have found that they repeat tasks now (or else they are only slightly altered) so it's becoming repetitive and I doubt I'd go back to the start.

I've watched a few of THE RETURN OF THE SAINT season 1 episodes (the one with Ian Ogilvie, the school bully in Ripping Yarns). It is great for the old 1970's scenes of London, Rome Marseilles and Monte Carlo and some actors seen in early TV roles, or twilight roles, but not much for the script. I don't understand how the Saint never gets arrested and imprisoned - bribery, kidnap, forgery, fraud, impersonating public figures, assaulting police officers, stealing and destroying police cars. While he is always on the right side of justice, the end does not always justify the means in real life. Batman is more believable than this. You also cannot put a hit out out on someone and then withdraw it. How does he know absolutely everyone and every police officer knows him (is there a course they take?) How come he knows he can access records on everyone, but doesn't know a thing about the guy who garages his car? And where did he find the time to complete a physics degree? If you do watch this, London was apparently woefully unprepared for the IRA bombings that were about to hit it quite soon, and had already forgotten all the Cold War Civil Defence advice.
I watched the film versions of The Saint, along with other such 30s - 40s detective series, Boston Blackie, etc. As many DVDs as I borrowed from NF, I just never bothered with the TV series The Saint. I might see if it is available on Prime.
I watched the film versions of The Saint, along with other such 30s - 40s detective series, Boston Blackie, etc. As many DVDs as I borrowed from NF, I just never bothered with the TV series The Saint. I might see if it is available on Prime.
I'm pretty sure the Roger Moore version is. I used to love the '30s-'40s Saint movies, and the Falcon movies, too, since they were pretty much the same with "Saint" scratched off and "Falcon" overwritten.
I'm pretty sure the Roger Moore version is. I used to love the '30s-'40s Saint movies, and the Falcon movies, too, since they were pretty much the same with "Saint" scratched off and "Falcon" overwritten.
In one of the Saint books the Saint asks a woman if she wants to go to the cinema as there is a Falcon movie playing, she replies why would I want to watch a cheap copy of you when I have the real thing.
First episode of Kaos on Prime. This is a wry reframing of the Greek mythos, with Jeff Goldbloom as a vain and capricious Zeus, wandering around in tennis gear and wearing a digital watch. Prometheus, Dyonisius, Orpheus, Euridyce, and Hera have also appeared. Pretty good. I think this looks very promising.
VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA - Pilot - 11 Days To Zero -- Been a long time since I watched this show. One bit of future tech prediction: the use of weaponized drones! They refer to unmanned aircraft as drones.

BARNABY JONES - To Catch a Dead Man --William Shatner fakes his death so he can go flyfishing but he can't out-wrestle Buddy Ebsen for a hand gun. If only it was a phaser.

Speaking of phasers,

STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE- Past Tense 1-2 - Been a long time since I watched an episode of this show but had to check it out since Sisko, Bashir, and Dax end up in the past--August 30, 2024 to be precise. Some of the things they get very wrong--and the irony is so thick you can cut it with a Klingon ceremonial sword. There is so much irony and naivete looking at it now--especially at the end when Bashir asks Sisko how they could let things get so bad. If only they knew. Still, there are some things that are so right--for example, Dax's neck markings were easily explained as tattoos and no one is shocked.
I was reminded how good the casting was on this series--I think it was the best of the post TOS casting. But it isn't a show I want to revisit because despite a strong start to the episode--it gets into the technobabble---oh how I did not miss the technobabble. The tachyions and the time bubbles and the polarity of the transporter...and the particles...and the particles. blah blah blah. I give credit to Colm Meaney and Nana Visitor that they could keep a straight face when spouting that nonsense. But it was an amusing return to the past or present!
Star Trek Fanservice S.2 Ep.6

Short of deuterium thé Enterprise stops off at a remote mining colony and finds itself in the middle of the set up for The Magnificent Seven with renegade Klingons as the bandits. Needless to say the crew of the Big E come to their aid and after some overly complex, screentime-filling nonsense - for plot purposes the Klingons just decide to go away for a bit which gives our heroes JUST enough time to move the whole mining village 50 meters to the left to set a cunning, over elaborate trap (which the Klingons just transport out of).

Somewhere along the way one of the costume designers tried to rescue this episode by making T'Pol a new figure-hugging costume that accented how lovely her bum is. The director had her walk away from the camera a lot.

The set design was pretty impressive to.
IRONSIDE - Beyond A Shadow -- The Chief seeks to help a woman who beat a murder conviction but was still under suspicion. Mort Sahl is a nosy tv reporter who hounds Ironside to distraction. One funny scene: The Chief calls up his staff to get them to do something for him at 2 am--Eve is in bed and has to get up. Ed is in a car driving and he says "I'll get on it first thing in the morning." There's a pause and then he says with a frown before hanging up: "ok I will be there in 20 minutes." The camera pans to the passenger side where there's a woman giving him a withering look.
I think that's the first Season. I thought that was only just okay, and knowing the special ability would spoil the whole Season, but the Second was worse, and I've really no idea how it gets a third Season!
I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons for their gratuitous silliness.
Yeah, me too. The first scene of the first episode already made it clear it would be a bizarre series with a dysfunctional family (not to mention the ape). I greatly enjoyed it.
Star Trek: Fanservice Season 2 Ep 8 'The Communcator' - Lieutenant Reed leaves his communicator on a pre spaceflight planet and we learn that Star Trek Universe tech doesn't have a 'Find My Device' function.

Star Trek: Fanservice Season 2 Ep 9 'Singularity' - in which the Enterprise encounters (yet another) unknown form of plot driving-radiation and everyone goes off their rocker. #1 son pointed out that every iteration of Star Trek has to have an episode where the crew go off their rockers and get paranoid. He did reel off examples from TOS, DS9, and TNG but I was too shocked by the realisation I had fathered a Trekkie to take any of the names in.

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