It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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I had heard good things about Earth Abides, by George R Stewart, but sadly enough I did not like it at all, it really did fall short of my expectations. :(
Hi folks

I've read some of Le Modest's SF works, it's interesting to see an author who can do both fantasy and sci-fi. Not read any of the recluse series still thinking about getting it out the library, but not sure whichn is the first.:eek:

The first book published (and in my opinion the best) was the Magic of Recluce. But there are a number of prequels to that.

The Fall of Angels might be a nice one to start with, or The Towers of the Sunset.

FoA deals with the start of the group of warrior women on top of big mountain, and ToS deals with their demise, and the founding of a civilised Recluce.

The Saga of Recluce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's what Modesitt says is the reading order.

Have to check that out.
Now I'm trying to overcome my dislike for Robert Heinlein and read Podkayne of Mars.
Nope, doesn't work.

Have started Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton instead. I've gotta read something with spaceships in.
Nope, doesn't work.

Have started Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton instead. I've gotta read something with spaceships in.

You could always read C. J. Cherryh. The Chanur books have spaceships with aliens. Then there's Downbelow Station, Rimrunner, and Finity's End, just to name a few.
You could always read C. J. Cherryh. The Chanur books have spaceships with aliens. Then there's Downbelow Station, Rimrunner, and Finity's End, just to name a few.

Spread the word, Murphy - I just wish Ms Cherryh would go back to this sort of book, and lay off the faux-Russian folk tales for a while!:p
Just started reading Robert Jordan's Knife of Dreams:), been waiting a long time to read this and hopefully it would be worth the wait. Had to put down Anansi Boys halfway through unfortunately. But I'll probably come back it when I'm done with Dreams I guess.

Cheers, DeepThought
Finished Norton's Beastmaster/Lord of Thunder ('twas a gift - still a good read)
Read Taylor's "The Quantum Connection" yesterday... average to fair space opera, a bit heavy on the science.
Starting Taylor's "Warp speed"

The Book of Skulls - Robert Silverberg - 1972

Narratively it's quite gripping and suspenseful, a strong sense of decadence among the characters, I'm not even sure it's Science Fiction, perhaps not one his masterpieces like ' A Time of Changes', 'Thorns', 'Dying Inside' - but worth the time
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I had heard good things about Earth Abides, by George R Stewart, but sadly enough I did not like it at all, it really did fall short of my expectations. :(

There is no action in it, but it's poetic, sad, wistful and vivid - Perhaps you'd prefer 'Damnation Alley'
On Green Dolphin Street by Sebastian Faulks

I read that the other day. Picked it up only because I liked the title (I play a piece called Green Dolphin Street on my guitar).

Be interested to know what you think of it.

I'm half way through Peridido Station, China Meville. Quite astounded by the author's imagination.
Just starting Temeraire by Naomi Novik. It just edged out Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself - both come highly recommended, so I'm looking forward to them :D
Rereading the Gunslinger (first of the dark tower books) to see if I enjoy it any better than the first time thanks to another thread on here about who is the best between Roland and Jon Shannow so my reading list is full for a while till I finish reading them all if I can
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