Creative rhyming

Conversational seasoning from verbal spice rack
As with anticipation the cast gets more numerous
and on and still on, until audience's all gone
And we're back all alone, while they stack up the chairs.
Until T'was I by the Telly awakened; adverting about a chopper - dicer - slash - slicer.

I asked my brain if that was Ann Murray, I couldn't be sure with my head in a flurry ...
Try to gather more talent and make it a group act
We'll plough on together, trying at versifying,
Whilst no intention I held of it, my wings are frying

It seems i misjudged the melting point of wax :eek:
What monster is this, with hands made of hooks
And a sneer on his face that marrs his good looks
Approaching with stately and measurèd tread
Of prosaic disposition, or poetic instead?
We're not easily led through this oeuvre of dread
Are we right in the head to be creating thus?
To tell you the truth, I don't get all the fuss
I write most of my stuff while sat on the bus
And figure out later if it meant anything
But with joy and enthusiasm I now sing
Of verse and rhyme and wearing my bling
I hope you forgive an old fools whim
A whim for the whimmin', forgiveness for him
A him and four women, forebearance the sin
Who tallies the plot with a blot on the lot?
What I've got is a lot, but in couplets it's not,
Can you spot where we're hot? Consider the plot
To internally knot our creations by threes, to appease
I bow down to kings and fall down on sore knees
If I've lost all sense, Just aiming to please
Be in good cheer, don't give me a sneer
I've had it to here with this terrible beer,
What now doth appear to delight eye, and ear?
Should we not interfere with the trend that's developing?

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