The chronicles word counter!

2) Novel: The Cry of Angels (provisional title)
Genre: Fantasy/Magical Realism, possible series
Current Word Count: 98,102 (includes about 500 words of synopsis of the next 4 chapters) of 110,000
Status: I'm in the home stretch now. It's all in the noggin and is just a matter of writing it down. Still haven't decided on the final title.
Stoneman Green- 20,000 words, but I am going to hit the cut button on the last chapter and stick it into re-write. It does not flow right and has the story circling instead of moving forward.

Target for this week is to get this to at least 25,000 words including the re-write.

Demon-skinned - 10,000 very painfully written words. Least I know where the next scene is going.

Target for this week is to add as many words as I can.

Other stuff.

As I am on holiday (a writing one lol) I am looking back at a pile of old ideas/half started efforts to see if anything can be re-cycled, also want to get a short story I have been mulling over actually written.
2) Novel: The Cry of Angels (provisional title)
Genre: Literary Fantasy (if there is such a thing), possible series
Current Word Count: 101,032 (includes about 100 words of synopsis of the next 2 chapters) of 110,000
Status: I've sat down and written the ending. Now I have to go back and insert one or two chapters leading up to the climax. Still haven't decided on the final title.
Title: HKV (MC2) (working title)
Genre: Gods, dragons, fierce magic, and a storyteller's daughter...
Wordcount:1300 (projected 120k, so 1% already!)
Status: Off the blocks and around the first corner. Ripping through the Prologue. I've already bulletpointed my plot coupons (1 per chapter to keep it all moving), so I just have to join up the dots. And maybe, this time, I won't start at the end....
Novel - Untitled (I'm awful at titles)
Genre - Fantasy
Current word count - 47389
Status - This is my current WiP, started it on the 13th of June. It was kinda my own personal NaNoWriMo experiment, and I guess I found out i can do them. Been writing about 1000 words an hours when i actually write; 3000 words a day, give or take. I have no idea how long it's going to be when it's finished, maybe 100,000??

Novel - Untitled
Genre - Fantasy
Current word count - 58259
Status - So this last couple of weeks has been really slow, once i hit my 50k word mark I pretty much stopped; was writing only a few hundred words a day, and sometimes not even that much. But, that was only a temporary break, a rest for reaching my set target.
I now have a new target to reach, finished first draft (just the bones, like all my first drafts) by early September, should be about 100k? Back to writing about 3k a day so should be well under the target.

I find the best targets are the ones that you know you can reach, at least in writing anyway, that way you never lose enthusiasm or become discouraged.
Title: HKV (MC2) (working title)
Genre: Gods, dragons, fierce magic, and a storyteller's daughter...
Wordcount:1300 (projected 120k, so 1% already!)
Status: Off the blocks and around the first corner. Ripping through the Prologue. I've already bulletpointed my plot coupons (1 per chapter to keep it all moving), so I just have to join up the dots. And maybe, this time, I won't start at the end....

this netbook's on fire!

fantasy sequel
3720 words (3%)
prologue complete! The North Will Rise Again!
2) Novel: The Cry of Angels (provisional title)
Genre: Literary Fantasy (if there is such a thing), possible series
Current Word Count: 106,985 (includes about 100 words of synopsis of the next section) of 110,000
Status: I'm nearly there. Just one more scene (probably). Then I need to decide on a title, before sending it out to my readers.

After that, I edit. Ugh.
Just a quick note to say I finished last night. I still need a title, but I'll have a quick read through and then send it off to my readers for comments.
Title: uhm, I'll get back to you on that
Genre: bit vague about that too, to be honest
Word count: scared to look. Too many


(I mean, apart from all the editing.)

And well done Chopper on getting MC done!

(I mean, apart from all the editing.)

happy dance, latte and cake! much cake!
nice one. it's a damned good feeling when that happens.
(and thanks! MC1 was a good feeling too - now for MC2...)

and congrats too Anne! (i thought i'd said that already, but clearly i really do live insode my own mind...)
untitled: 2,1183 / estimated 10,000.
Might take awhile -- only managing about 350-400 words a day with school and life in general.
fantasy sequel. yeah, dragons!
10800 words and rising (9%)
status: ploughing slowly through chapter 2, introducing a new character to annoy cassia with.
slack said:

: 2,1183 / estimated 10,000.
Might take awhile -- only managing about 350-400 words a day with school and life in general.
untitled: 4,897 / estimated ?
Just finished the third scene and already I can see this thing exceeding 10,000 words. Going smoothly, though. Having fun with the characters. I've never written anything larger than 5,000 words, but with this one I think I'll try for novella length, 15,000-20,000-ish. We'll see how it goes.
slack said:

: 4,897 / estimated ?
Just finished the third scene and already I can see this thing exceeding 10,000 words. Going smoothly, though. Having fun with the characters. I've never written anything larger than 5,000 words, but with this one I think I'll try for novella length, 15,000-20,000-ish. We'll see how it goes.

untitled: 7,894 / est. 20,000
Funny how stories seem to get away from you. Not that this one has -- I just mean the word-count has ballooned. Decided to divide the story into four parts; in the middle of part 2 at the moment. Proving to be a difficult ride with lots of chances to lose direction, but so far so good.
I've finished the SF short What Might Have Been (5350 Words).
It's been edited. Re-edited, read/being read by a few kind volunteers and should be ready to submitted somewhere soon, I hope)

Written a new prologue (1,600 words) for the novel 'Sarah's House' on advice of the editor who has it at the moment. Not sure whether it is what is needed, but we shall see. It is in the needs to be self edited stage, then off to the real editor.

Now to decide which of the short stories completed needs to be concentrated on next.
Never done this before, but after a few months of quiet desperation I have reached the first milestone at flaming last, so here goes:

Provisional title: Black as Night -- first of a supposed trilogy (*sound of hollow laughter*) called The Mapmaker's Daughter
Genre: Fantasy (no dragons)
Word count: 10,295
Status: for the characters -- walking through mountain tunnels in chapter 3 and likely to be there a good long while unless inspiration strikes; for me -- quietly despairing at the slow progress and the need for another 110,000 words.
damned good start! i like maps, so i'll happily wait...

slow progress is still progress.
i'm keeping all mine. they're mine i tell thee! my preciousssssessss.......


really, how did Andy Serkis do that voice?
damned good start! i like maps, so i'll happily wait...
Um... well... there might not actually be any maps in it... *starts hurriedly reading the Trades Description Acts* And thanks for the encouragement!

Well, I know someone who's got about 50,000 he could do with getting rid of ...
Got any maps going spare?

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