Novel - Untitled
Genre - Fantasy
Current word count - 58259
Status - So this last couple of weeks has been really slow, once i hit my 50k word mark I pretty much stopped; was writing only a few hundred words a day, and sometimes not even that much. But, that was only a temporary break, a rest for reaching my set target.
I now have a new target to reach, finished first draft (just the bones, like all my first drafts) by early September, should be about 100k? Back to writing about 3k a day so should be well under the target.
I find the best targets are the ones that you know you can reach, at least in writing anyway, that way you never lose enthusiasm or become discouraged.
Novel - Untitled
Genre - Fantasy
Current word count - 68208
Status - Well, i've been really busy recently so I haven't done as much writing as I would have liked. But i have finished!!! ... ...Kind of, at least. I write in a strange way, I go through the stroy, writing it very, very loosley, then go back and add during first, second, thrid, fourth edits etc... does anyone else write like this?
Anyway, i say i've finished, becasue the bare bones for this novel have been written, and i have somewhat lost enthusiasm for it. So fo now it shall be resigned to the e-shelf to gather e-dust, until I rediscover my enthusiam for it.
Until then i have another project, which has me a little more excited... for now at least.
Novel/Novella - A moment in darkness (working title)
Genre - Dark, psychological, personal sci-fi.
Current word count - 1458
Status - I am liking this story for the moment, so hopefully the word count will continue to be on the up. It only really has one charater, so I don't expect it to be much more than 30-40k.