I rather like the title, too.
It's incredibly subjective how much we write. I don't count, exactly, but if I'm writing and not editing and have a couple of hours at it, I usually knock out about 2-3k. Other days it can take me an hour to edit 500 words.
Fwiw my update:
Abendau Falling - briefly stalled while I consider character responses to circumstances.
Waters - readthrough and edit 100 pages to go, but I've climbed to the heady heights of 68,413. 70 is in sight! Hooray!
Waters is having a siesta while it gets beta'ed.
Abendau Falling -- 29938. Just to write a fun scene where the mc finally goes a bit alpha and gives what for to an odious creep. Only took three books....
This is by far the hardest thing I've ever worked on. It's probably not helped by the fact that WAters and Inish keep taking me away from it, but it's hard to keep the story intact in my mind, and I'm constrained by the backplot being lain down. Hats off to anyone who completes a trilogy and as for the GRRMs and Jordans of this world; I don't know how they do it.