I'm wondering if the third head of the Targaryens
has to have Targaryen blood anyway. I mean, you'd think Dany would be relieved just to have Jon on her side (assuming, as we do, that they are related). Time to get some fresh blood in the family!
Yup, you're right. I always assumed that the three heads had to have Targaryen blood, but probably it is not necessary. anyway, I liked the notion of Tyrion riding a dragon, somehow I see for him something more important than go seeking for Tysha all over the world.
where is this Spanish forum? I'm quite rusty, but I'd like to read some more opinions, and it seems that all of the forums I'm finding these days are eons behind this one in the theory department.
Actually, it is a dead forum
, tha last messages are from april 2004, and they
are eons behind this one, not only in theory, people keep insulting for a different opinion, so I don't bother u with that one...There's another one quite good, but now they are closing, so you cannot register
it is
www.cyberdark.net , the fantasia foros, the one related to aSoIaF is La sangre del dragon.