Re: DISCUSSION the 75 Word Challenge JUNE 2011
Yep, that's the winner Perp.
Oh.... wrong thread!
Grimbear – What a simple but perfectly executed tale, it just felt so right. It’s hard to comment any more on it, because it just sums itself up so well. Top marks GB!
Deathfrommassive – Well constructed and some unforced rhyming, presented with a strange kind of desolation, but ending in an almost warm embrace, This was one of those that needs to be read a few times to truly understand and appreciate (at least my interpretation of it), but the pain in dying and the embrace with the universe/God is a powerful idea.
TacticalLoco – I was very impressed by the fact that TL made every last word rhyme with one another. Once again it is a good sound poem. Perhaps it is a statement of man’s intrinsic savage nature, or perhaps it is a view of the law of the jungle, but a superb entry.
TDZ – I’ve quite enjoyed the Just So style stories and this one is no exception. Not sure that I like the idea of a chicken being a prettier bird than a dodo, but it is a wonderful little story imbued with the sense of self sacrifice, something changing into something else so it could be better suited as food.
goldenapples – perhaps in some ways this could be considered a sequel of sorts to ‘If’ or an examination of someone living up to the principles laid out in that poem. It is perhaps thought provoking, a great person, a revolutionary. I did wonder (just me going off on a tangent) that if a revolutionary revolted successfully, surely it would be his hands that constructed the writings. So how much truth would he attribute to himself?
Moonbat – Very hard questions presented by Moonbat, but a well constructed and thought provoking. In some ways, once again, it has links to IF, but rather than presenting a template it asks questions that are easy to see, but I guess a lot harder to answer.
Digs – for all his struggling to come up with something, Digs hits us with what I think is a superlative tale. It is a sad affair, the receiving the news that one’s son has fallen in battle must be one of the hardest letters to receive, but the twist at the end really gives it a sting. (I particularly like it as a counterpoint to my own attempt, in some ways opposites). Excellent.