Thinking of you Bob, all the best mate.
And the votegetter, by the diameter of the filaments of a planet-saving bacterium, Bowler1!
Wow! What a wonderful set of stories there is here on this theme. Thank you everyone for writing and publishing them.
Now it's down to decisions, decisions, decisions.... and it's going to very difficult.
Okay, here we go again.
Honorable mentions:
Tywin - Perp - Victoria - Beasty - Teresa - Ursa.
Oh, such a a hard month to judge! I hate leaving anyone off, the stories were so good. SO..
Long list: everyone not mentioned in the next few lines, well done all!
Shorter list:
What a month - lot's of science in our fiction! Great stories all round, I thought.
My shortlist:
Starbeast - A Double-Feature! Splendidly entertaining - I could never, ever have come up with something like this!
...and positive thoughts to Bob.
I hope your surgery goes well, Bob. I'm praying for you.
Thank you Starbeast and Victoria for the reviews.