September: What have you been reading?

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I'm currently nearing the end of a re-read of Hornblower and the Atropos. Good stuff.
Speaking of Gemmell, now halfway through Hero in the Shadows (Waylander 3). Didn't enjoy the beginning, but am picking up - and really enjoying - the amorality of Waylander better than in the first two of this series.
Lian Hearn's Otori Series. Read and loved Across the Nightingale Floor when it came out, but for some reason didn't read the others.
Just finished Nightingale and onto Grass for His Pillow now.
Brian, Gemmell is quite good at the amorality of characters, currently reading Wolf in Shadow and it's very good so far.

Wolf in Shadow was the first of his books that I read :)
I finished a beta book by a buddy from the Chrons. This guy can write! Wow.

I still haven't finished King of Thorns by Lawrence, but I started Trajectory by Robert M Campbell yesterday. I'm already 30% in, and totally into it. He is one of the few authors I'm working with for Woodbridge that I have left to read something from. Can't wait to get back to this one.
I just finished something called Fantomas vs. the Multinational Vampires--it's not really a Fantomas novel, being a political piece of sorts. Basically a guy in Argentina reads some Fantomas comic strips and fantasizes about Fantomas fixing the Argentinian government and wiping out the CIA.
Burning Eagle by Navine Weeraratne. ebook. .... awesome! If you're into science fiction read this - future classic.

Copyright page says freely distribute as long as it's not for commercial reasons. I have it as an epub
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Lots of people love foundation and although I think it's great I still don't think its Asimovs best work. I love his standalones.

You probably already have then in your sites but my three favourite Asimovs are The Gods Themselves, Nemesis and The Caves of Steel (admittedly not a standalone.)

Happy reading Vaz!
First I read of his was his classic 'Nightfall' short story - read it again recently and it still stands up.
Lian Hearn's Otori Series. Read and loved Across the Nightingale Floor when it came out, but for some reason didn't read the others.
Just finished Nightingale and onto Grass for His Pillow now.
Those are good.
Right - catchup.
So far in September:
Wilkins' Tooth, Diana Wynne Jones' first novel for children
Drowned Ammet - book 2 in her Dalemark Quartet
Year of the Griffin, also by DWJ
The Homeward Bounders, also by DWJ
The Saracen Lamp by Ruth Arthur
The Ghost Road by Pat Barker
Exile by Martin Owton
Roger Zelazny's third Amber book, The Sign of the Unicorn
Finished The Three Body Problem interesting premise, bit difficult to get into the characters (apart from Ye), but look forward to the next one. However next on my shelf is Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer, heard mixed things on this.
Finished The Three Body Problem interesting premise, bit difficult to get into the characters (apart from Ye), but look forward to the next one. However next on my shelf is Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer, heard mixed things on this.
I found Three Body an interesting premise but the characters failed to engage me to the end. I hated Vandermeer - he seems to be a real marmite writer, some love him, some hate him. (And ty for your kind words about Inish Carraig in the thread.)

I'm reading Martina Devlin's The House Where It Happened about witchcraft trials near me. It's interesting because I know the setting but otherwise not engaging enough for my taste.
Finished The Three Body Problem interesting premise, bit difficult to get into the characters
Yes, I really liked the concept. Unlike yourself and @Jo Zebedee I didn't have any issues with character engagement, but that could just be my magpie brain distracted by the shiny premise.:)

Just finished re-reading The Dragonbone Chair. I'd forgotten how long the original Memory, Sorrow, Thorn trilogy is (and how good, and pretty much everything else about it - it was a long time ago I first read it), and as I could barely put the book down I've gone straight into The Stone of Farewell with the conclusion no doubt following that. Ought to keep me out of mischief for a week or so.:)
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