You must be kidding. You include Jorah and Stannis, but leave out Littlefinger???
He's my absolute favorite character. I love Littlefinger.
I voted for Joffrey, just getting the edge on Cersei. Joffrey had no redeeming qualities, just a sadistic, arrogant little brat.
I'm halfway through AFFC and while I still hate Cersei, she is fascinating in some senses, the way she is ruled by paranoia and lets that drive her to destroy the kingdom. I don't like her, but I can see where she's coming from.
Stannis I don't mind. He's ruthless, but there's a method to it and a certain fairness. You know where you stand with him.
Cateyln can be annoying and make a lot of boneheaded decisions, but I always understood why she made them and she did her best under extreme circumstances to do right.
Walder is a solid choice... very little redeeming about him. He's petty and cruel and vain. He'd be right behind Cersei and Joff.
Gregor is a thug, not worthy of hate really.
Theon I don't mind. He's kind of arrogant, but also sympathetic in his difficult position... forced into a family to which he doesn't belong and later resented and dismissed by that family for spending too much time with the family they forced him into.
I never minded Jorah.
Tywin I am ok with as well. He can be ruthless and the way he treats Tyrion is disgusting, but he's also intelligent and wise as a ruler and sees people for who they are. He has no illusions about Cersei and recognizes the faults within his own family for the most part.