Dear Runic,
Post more. That was a fun read.
Post more. That was a fun read.
Its just that the ICC's and resurrection are bandied around on this thread so much with so much disdain for the latter. Are we just looking at one of these ?
Good point about The Wall, Runic. Melisandre mentions it as a magical place numerous times too, and there is another dead man walking that we know, who is heavily implied to be a (former) man of the Night's Watch - Coldhands. He seems to be essentially a wight but one that has retained his mind - maybe something to do with The Wall, maybe something to do with warging? Who knows.There is another way of resurrection which is hinted at.....The Mountain is back, via the weird science of lab work, but even that isn't going to be viable for Jon at The Wall.
I still think that The Wall is involved, it has magical doorways and all sorts of other things we don't know about available for those who have taken the vows, and Jon hasn't technically broken his vows, has he? he hasn't fathered any children or married.
Indeed. The way I read it, at least, this seemed to be a funeral rite of the Red Priests religion, that in the case of Thoros and Beric for some reason resurrected the latter. We know that Thoros repeated the trick, but we don't know if it works on anyone else, or for any Red Priest. If it did presumably there would be undead people springing up all over Essos. If that's happening we haven't heard about it... I don't think it's a skill of Thoros' or a one off chance with him/Beric but I it must only work in certain circumstances, what they may be is open to speculation - like you say it's only worked on two redheads so far (though with Cat it's not exactly the same since Beric 'passed on the flame' rather than Thoros performing the rite and resurrecting her) unresolved business like ghosts, or being chosen by the Lord Of Light for some purpose, and so on.Thoros's resurrection skills are not a secret: there one of the first skills Red priests learn. It is called the last kiss and Lord Beric was just a first person that it worked on. (accidentally matching with the time Dany hatched her dragons). As I pointed out before, so far those powers worked only on red-headed people (Beric and Cat) which proves the wildling saying "Kissed by fire=lucky!".
So, my points are:
1. Every priest has the same resurrection powers/learned the same old technique.
2. So far they only work on redheaded people. Jon is clearly not a redhead.
3. Those old techniques started working again with dragons' return into the world. (see pyromancer's spell for their wildfire)
Hi everyone, this is my first post.
My thoughts about Jon's "Death":
1. The glamoured from Needle - Nice one, but i don't thinks so. The final thoughts of Jon were:
"Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the
wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end."
Whispering "Ghost" and "Stick them with the pointy end", this only makes sense if he really think he's dying. This word are too profound and emotional, not something he would say if he using a death body and free from death.
But the chapter has some strange things, the speech, the decision to go after Ramsay (for what? he don't have "Arya" anymore.)
2. He dies and is resurrected by Melisandre:
Martin already used this with Catelyn, i don't think he would do it again. Bad cliché, poor writing.
3. He is saved by someone and heals (with or without magic):
I'm a bit romantic and i think there's something between Jon and Val (Ghost like her). So Val could get to Jon and with the help of Wun Wun take him to safety (don't know if Val has some healing powers). Or is Melisandre to save him. When it's said "He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold …", the cold could mean that the others are coming (the winter arrived and the other with it).
4. Jon actually dies:
Hope not
It's a waste, Jon is one the few truly good guys and is the character with most potential. He can become
Azor Ahai, be Rhaegar and Lyanna's son, the King of the North (Robb made him is successor).
But because of all that and for him to be all alone without family, friends or Ghost, to die alone and betrayed by his companions to save the Watch (but by doing so will destroy the watch). It's a very sad death, but there is some poetry in it, in Jon last words and thoughts.
Welcome, PedroHi everyone, this is my first post.
My thoughts about Jon's "Death":
1. The glamoured from Needle - Nice one, but i don't thinks so. The final thoughts of Jon were:
"Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the
wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end."
Whispering "Ghost" and "Stick them with the pointy end", this only makes sense if he really think he's dying. This word are too profound and emotional, not something he would say if he using a death body and free from death.
But the chapter has some strange things, the speech, the decision to go after Ramsay (for what? he don't have "Arya" anymore.)
2. He dies and is resurrected by Melisandre:
Martin already used this with Catelyn, i don't think he would do it again. Bad cliché, poor writing.
3. He is saved by someone and heals (with or without magic):
I'm a bit romantic and i think there's something between Jon and Val (Ghost like her). So Val could get to Jon and with the help of Wun Wun take him to safety (don't know if Val has some healing powers). Or is Melisandre to save him. When it's said "He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold …", the cold could mean that the others are coming (the winter arrived and the other with it).
4. Jon actually dies:
Hope not
It's a waste, Jon is one the few truly good guys and is the character with most potential. He can become
Azor Ahai, be Rhaegar and Lyanna's son, the King of the North (Robb made him is successor).
But because of all that and for him to be all alone without family, friends or Ghost, to die alone and betrayed by his companions to save the Watch (but by doing so will destroy the watch). It's a very sad death, but there is some poetry in it, in Jon last words and thoughts.
IMO, GRRM didn't spend 5 books developing Jon's character to just ax him in this book. He's already proven that he's capable of killing any character, and that's actually the beauty of this, because we KNOW he has killed Robb, Cat, Ned, Joffrey, Drogo, Kevan, Tywin, Quentyn, et al, so we can't be sure that jon isn't really dead.
To play Devil's Advocate here, it's true that GRRM has spent several books building up Jon's character, but that still doesn't exclude him from being killed off. A Game of Thrones spent a great deal of time building up Eddard's character, only to have him die at the end. Of course, as the series developed, we see how Ned's death was necessary to set in motion events that shaped the series. So who is to say that Jon's death isn't necessary to set up events in the final two books? We have Mel as a POV character, so events at the Wall can be 'reported' by her now. Maybe GRRM needs the Night's Watch to be in turmoil and fighting amongst themselves just as The Others attack so that they can be easily overwhelmed?
Personally, I don't think Jon's dead, but I also don't believe it's impossible that he's dead. And despite him being a major character since the beginning, I also think killing him off is exactly the kind of thing that GRRM would do!
But you were right: Eddard did live until Ilyn took his head off.But then again, I thought Eddard would live until Ilyn took his head off.
That last Jon's chapter was i bit of a shock for me, i lost the count of how many times i've read that final page. So i search the web for it and found this forum. I learned a lot in here, there's so much details that i hadn't notice and theories i never thought, like Jon being The Lyanna and Rhaegar son. About Jon being their is ok by me, but Jon riding a dragon that's weird, the dragon's don't fit in Jon's personality and there's ghost, a dragon and a wolf seems too incompatible. But it would be fun to see ghost riding a dragonpedro, Welcome. You know I'd bet that my first post was also in a thread about Jon Snow. Whether he's dead or alive, I don't know.
Me too, but Martin has to put a convincing storyline or it could get lame. There's too many loose ends in this last chapter.Hi Pedro, welcome. Your third and fourth points sum up my thoughts and feelings very nicely. I am hoping for #3.
The problem i see with the others attacking is that it may be too soon. Tyrion was in mortal danger many times, but i think Jon's situation is a lot worse.Pedro: Lately, I've become a fan of the third theory you listed (the cold Jon feels is an Others attack). Here's another thread that discusses it that didn't gain much traction around here:
Too bad, too, because I think it's an excellent theory and much simpler than Needle's theory (which is also excellent). I like simpler solutions best.
No matter how Jon survives I just hope it's not by resurrection.
Boaz: Pretty much every Tyrion chapter ends with him in mortal danger or having been maimed in some way.